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Multiparty CVD

The simplest instance of CVD is when there are only two parties involved: the finder of the vulnerability and the vendor who can fix the software. In this case, many of the complexities that arise in multiparty situations do not come into play.

Two-Party CVD is Not Always Easy

None of this is to say that two-party CVD is always straightforward or easy. It can still be difficult for the finder of a vulnerability to make contact with the vendor. It can sometimes be difficult for the vendor to work with the finder toward a resolution.

Personalities, attitudes, expectations, assumptions, and egos all play a part in the success or failure of even two-party CVD.

Most of the interesting cases in CVD involve more than two parties, as these are the cases where the most care must be taken. Automation of the process can help somewhat, but the impact technology can have on the problem is limited by the inherent complexities involved in trying to get numerous organizations to synchronize their development, testing, and release processes in order to reduce the risk to users.

From a coordinator's perspective, it can be difficult to be fair, as you're almost guaranteed to either miss some downstream vendor or wind up with one or more vendors ready to release while everyone is waiting for the other vendors to catch up. We discuss this conundrum further in Troubleshooting CVD.

FIRST MPCVD Guidelines and Practices

The FIRST Vulnerability Coordination SIG has published its Guidelines and Practices for Multi-Party Vulnerability Coordination and Disclosure which we strongly recommend reading.

Summarizing their guiding concepts and best practices:

  • Establish a strong foundation of processes and relationships
  • Maintain clear and consistent communications
  • Build and maintain trust
  • Minimize exposure for stakeholders
  • Respond quickly to early disclosure
  • Use coordinators when appropriate

Multiparty CVD is About People

Success at multiparty coordination has more to do with understanding human communication and organization phenomena than with the technical details of the vulnerability. The hard parts are nearly always about coordinating the behavior of multiple humans with diverse values, motives, constraints, beliefs, feelings, and available energy and time. The vulnerability details may dictate the "what" of the response, but to a large degree human social behaviors decide the "how."

In the next few subsections we discuss a number of issues that we have observed in performing multiparty CVD over the years.

Multiple Finders / Reporters

If one person can find a vulnerability, another person can too. While documented instances of independent discovery are relatively rare, independent discovery of vulnerabilities can and does happen.

Heartbleed and Multiple Finders

Perhaps the best known example of multiple finders is Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160). In part because of the complexity of the coordinated disclosure process, a second CVE identifier (CVE-2014-0346) was assigned to the same vulnerability and later retracted.

Independent Discovery

Independent discovery is a phenomenon where two or more parties discover the same vulnerability without any of the parties being aware of the others' work. Independent discovery can be a significant complicating factor in CVD, as it can lead to multiple reports of the same vulnerability, which can in turn lead to confusion, duplication of effort, and even conflict among the parties involved. We discuss this topic further in Independent Discovery.

Complicated Supply Chains

Many products today are not developed by a single organization. Instead, they are assembled from components sourced from other organizations. Vulnerabilities in these components can have far-reaching impacts and require coordination among multiple parties to resolve.

For example, software libraries are often licensed for inclusion into other products. When a vulnerability is discovered in a library component, it is very likely that not only does the originating vendor of the library component need to take action, but all the downstream vendors whose products use it need to take action as well. Complex supply chains can increase confusion regarding who is responsible for coordinating, communicating, and ultimately fixing vulnerabilities, leading to delays and systems exposed to unnecessary risk.

Mobile Supply Chain Example

flowchart TD
    os[Mobile OS Vendor]
    phone[Mobile Phone Vendor]
    wireless[Wireless Carrier Vendor]

    os --> phone
    phone --> wireless
    wireless --> customer

Historically, the smartphone market provides a clear example of the effect of the software supply chain on vulnerability response. In a 2015 blog post, we discussed the complexity of the Android ecosystem and the challenges of coordinating vulnerability disclosure and patch deployment in that environment at the time.

A vulnerability in a library component used in the Android operating system might have to be fixed by the library developer, then incorporated into the Android project by Google, followed by the device manufacturer updating its custom build of Android, and by the network carrier performing its customizations and testing before finally reaching the consumer's device. Each additional step between the party responsible for fixing the code and the system owner (the device user, in this case) reduces the probability that the fix will be deployed in a timely manner, if at all.

A generalized example of the supply chain for some mobile devices is shown in the accompanying diagram.

At the CERT/CC, we often find it useful to distinguish between vertical and horizontal supply chains. While the vertical supply chain is more common, we do occasionally need to navigate horizontal supply chains in the course of the CVD process.

Vertical Supply Chain

In a vertical supply chain, a vulnerability exists in multiple products because they all share a dependency on a vulnerable library or component. One vendor originates the fix. Many vendors then have to incorporate the originating vendor's fix into their products. Many vendors have to publish documents, distribute patches, and cause deployers to take action.

title: Vertical Supply Chain - Single Originator
flowchart TD
    F -->|Reports to| V1
    V1 -->|Develops Fix| V1
    V1 -->|Distributes Fix| V2 
    V1 -->|Distributes Fix| V3
    V2 -->|Integrates Fix| V2
    V3 -->|Integrates Fix| V3
    V2 -->|Distributes Fix| V4
    V3 -->|Distributes Fix| V5
    V4 -->|Integrates Fix| V4
    V5 -->|Integrates Fix| V5
    V4 -->|Notifies| D1
    V5 -->|Notifies| D2

CVD in a Vertical Supply Chain

One example of a CVD process following a vertical supply chain is as follows: a vulnerability might be initially identified in product X, but is then isolated to a library that product X includes as a dependency. In this case, the library developer must be engaged as another party to the coordination process in the role of patch originator.

The complexity does not end there though. Once the library vendor has completed its patch, not only does the vendor of product X have to integrate the fix, but all the other vendors that include the library need to update their products as well. We have done this kind of coordination in the past with vulnerabilities affecting MS-SQL (VU#484891), Oracle Outside In (VU#916896), and so on. The cascading effects of library vulnerabilities often result in significant subsets of users left vulnerable while they await their product vendor's updates.

title: Vertical Supply Chain with Library Component
flowchart TD
F -->|1. Reports to| V2
V2 -->|2. Reports to| V1
V1 -->|3. Develops Fix| V1
V1 -->|4. Distributes Fix| VC
VC --> V2
VC --> V3
VC --> V4
VC --> V5
V2 -->|5. Integrates Fix| V2
V3 -->|5. Integrates Fix| V3
V4 -->|5. Integrates Fix| V4
V5 -->|5. Integrates Fix| V5
V1 -->|6. Notifies| P
V2 -->|6. Notifies| P
V3 -->|6. Notifies| P
V4 -->|6. Notifies| P
V5 -->|6. Notifies| P

Horizontal Supply Chain

Even more complex in terms of coordination are cases where multiple products implement the same vulnerability, which is the primary characteristic of a horizontal supply chain. Examples include vulnerabilities arising from underspecified protocols, design flaws, and the like. Luckily these kinds of vulnerabilities are rare.

CVD can become quite complicated when they occur, because multiple vendors must originate fixes for their own implementations. Many such cases combine with each originating vendor's downstream vertical supply chain as well, which only serves to increase the complexity. Many vendors have to publish docs and distribute patches, leading to deployers needing to take multiple actions.

Multiple implementation vulnerabilities can sometimes result from widespread copying of vulnerable code examples from books or websites or from developer tutorials that ignore or intentionally disable security features in order to simplify the learning process.

title: Horizontal Supply Chain - Multiple Originators
flowchart TD
    V4SC[[Vertical<br/>Supply Chain]]
    F -->|Reports to| V1
    F -->|Reports to| V2
    F -->|Reports to| V3
    F -->|Reports to| V4
    V1 -->|Develops Fix| V1
    V2 -->|Develops Fix| V2
    V3 -->|Develops Fix| V3
    V4 -->|Develops Fix| V4
    V1 -->|Notifies| D1
    V2 -->|Notifies| D2
    V3 -->|Notifies| D3
    V4 -->|Notifies| D4
    V4 -.->|Distributes Fix| V4SC
    V4SC -.->|Integrates Fix| V4SC
    V4SC -.->|Notifies| D4

Android SSL MitM as a Multiple Implementation Vulnerability

While we cannot place the entirety of the blame for widespread Android SSL Man-in-the-Middle vulnerabilities like VU#582497 on any specific phenomenon, our spot checks of some of the vulnerable apps made it clear that parallel implementation of the same errors was a contributing factor in many of the affected apps. In that case, we identified more than 23,000 distinct apps, and coordinated with thousands of vendors.

Protocol Vulnerabilities

A more pernicious example of multiple implementation is a vulnerability whose root cause lies in the specification or reference implementation of a network protocol. Because most vendor's products will specifically test for compatibility with these reference artifacts, such cases usually imply that every product supporting that feature will need to be fixed. Multi-originator cases can be very complex to coordinate. The SNMP vulnerabilities found in 2002 via the OUSPG PROTOS Test Suite c06-snmpv1 (VU#854306, VU#107186, CA-2002-03) represented just such a case, and remain to this day among the most complex disclosure cases the CERT/CC has ever coordinated.

Mass Notifications for Multiparty CVD

In their Usenix Security 2016 paper Hey, You Have a Problem: On the Feasibility of Large-Scale Web Vulnerability Notification, Ben Stock, Giancarlo Pellegrino, and Christian Rossow examined issues surrounding large-scale vulnerability notification campaigns. In this work, which focused on notifying website operators of vulnerabilities in their sites, they highlight significant difficulty in establishing a direct communication channel with vulnerable sites.

The following is from their conclusion:

Stock, Pellegrino, and Rossow on Large-Scale Notifications

How do we inform affected parties about vulnerabilities on large scale? Identifying contact points remains the main challenge that has to be addressed by the Internet society, including network providers, CERTs, and registrars. We imagine that this problem could, for example, be tackled by centralized contact databases, more efficient dissemination strategies within hosters/CERTs, or even a new notification channel or trusted party responsible for such notifications. Until we find solutions to the reachability problem, the effects of large-scale notifications are likely to remain low in the future.

Reporting a Vulnerability to CERT/CC

You can request the CERT/CC's assistance in coordinating a vulnerability disclosure process by submitting a report through the CERT/CC's Vulnerability Reporting Form (VRF).