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Requesting Coordination Assistance from the CERT/CC


Review Reporter Response Process first.

This tutorial picks up where the Reporter Response Process leaves off. It is intended for vulnerability reporters who have found a vulnerability and are requesting coordination assistance from the CERT/CC.

What is Coordination?

CERT Vulnerability Notes

The CERT/CC's security advisories are known as Vulnerability Notes.

Coordination is the process by which multiple parties coordinate to share information regarding a vulnerability, with the goal of producing a patch which fixes the vulnerability. Usually, the patch is accompanied by a security advisory, which provides the public with information on the vulnerability and how to apply the patch. However, in some cases, the security advisory may be released before a patch is available. This process at times involves several organizations.

The CERT/CC coordinates vulnerabilities with vendors, as well as provides assistance to vulnerability reporters wishing to begin the coordination process for their own vulnerability.

Before Submitting a Request to the CERT/CC

Some things to consider before submitting a request to the CERT/CC:

Have you contacted the vendor?

We usually recommend that a reporter first try reporting the vulnerability directly to the vendor or maintainer of the software in question. See the response process for reporters for more information.

Non-Disclosure Agreements

Please note that as a security researcher or penetration tester, you or your company may be subject to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) regarding vulnerabilities you find. Please investigate this possibility and consider any legal implications of an NDA before reporting a vulnerability.

EFF Coder's Rights Project Vulnerability Reporting FAQ

The EFF provides some guidance on the legal aspects of the vulnerability disclosure process in their Coders’ Rights Project Vulnerability Reporting FAQ

Be Familiar With Our Disclosure Policy

You may want to review our Vulnerability Disclosure Policy. In brief, we generally target publication of details of the vulnerability we reported to you 45 days after our initial contact attempt. Since our goal is a safe internet for users, we do allow some negotiation on the timeline; feel free to contact us and discuss your concerns. Likewise, we may disclose earlier than initially reported if we believe there is significant evidence of current exploit of this vulnerability.

flowchart TD
    reporter -->|requests<br/>coordination| certcc
    decide{ }
    certcc -->|accept?| decide
    decide -->|yes| accept
    decide -->|no| decline

Initial Response Time

The CERT/CC typically responds to requests within 24-48 hours. Depending on the request, further analysis and decision may take additional time.

How does the CERT/CC decide if we will accept a request?

The CERT/CC attempts to take a balanced approach to the numbers and types of vulnerabilities handled in order to maximize benefit to the global community.

Declining Reports

The CERT/CC always reserves the right to decline to assist in coordination or to publish, especially for low priority reports or reports that are lacking information.

Even if a high quality vulnerability report is submitted, we may still decline to assist. This is not a reflection on the reporter or the quality of the report, but rather a result of limited time and resources.

Some common reasons for us to decline a request include:

  • Low CVSS score

    We evaluate the CVSS v2 Environmental score for all new reports, and use this score to help set priorities on reports. We generally place more emphasis on vulnerabilities with higher scores, and generally decline reports with low Environmental scores. For more information on how to perform CVSS scoring on your vulnerability, please see the CVSS website.

    One result of CVSS Environmental scoring is that software that is not widely distributed (i.e., has a very small global user base) will often be declined.

  • Lack of strong evidence

    Evidence must be provided before action can be taken. Reports lacking a proof of concept or proposed patch will be considered low priority or even declined.

  • Only a CVE ID is needed

    The CERT/CC typically only provides CVE IDs for vulnerabilities we take an active role in coordinating. Reports only requesting a CVE ID will generally be declined. CVE IDs can be requested directly from the CVE project.

  • Only publication is requested

    The CERT/CC typically only publishes on vulnerabilities we take an active role in coordinating, and will generally decline reports on an already substantially coordinated issue.

Please be aware of these guidelines when submitting a request to the CERT/CC.

What happens next?

If the request is accepted, the CERT/CC will begin reaching out to the vendor(s). The CERT/CC will then work with them as necessary to develop a patch and provide this patch to the community. The CERT/CC may decide to publish a Vulnerability Note on your vulnerability at the end of the process, depending on the circumstances.

Please note that when a vulnerability is reported to the CERT/CC, we will take the reporter's comments into our decision process, but by submitting a report, the reporter agrees that CERT/CC has final decision authority over any coordination and publishing on the website.

Reporter's Right to Disclose

As the vulnerability reporter, you are the owner of the vulnerability information and are free to disclose it on your own at any time, if you wish.

What if the CERT/CC declines my report?

If your vulnerability report is declined by the CERT/CC, we still encourage you to attempt contact with the vendor or maintainer.

If your contact attempt fails despite acting responsibly, you may consider self-publishing (on a personal blog or website) information about your vulnerability, or perhaps submitting information about your vulnerability to a security mailing list such as Full Disclosure. If you do, please take care regarding how much information is released; ideally, provide only enough information for users to understand the issue and mitigate attacks, but not a full proof-of-concept that can be misused.