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This section contains decision records for the Vultron project.

What is an ADR?

An architectural decision record (ADR) is a document that captures an important architectural decision made along with its context and consequences. We're using the expanded concept of an Any Decision Record (ADR) to capture any decision that is important to the project, not just architectural decisions. We use Markdown Any Decision Records (MADR) to document our architectural decisions.

When to write an ADR

Write an ADR whenever you make an important decision that affects the project. This includes decisions about the architecture, design, or implementation of the project, as well as decisions about the project's processes, tools, or infrastructure. If you're not sure whether a decision is important enough to warrant an ADR, err on the side of writing one. Discussing the decision with the team in a pull request, issue, or discussion is a good way to determine whether it's important enough to warrant an ADR.

How to write an ADR

For new ADRs, please use as basis. More information on MADR is available at General information about architectural decision records is available at

Accepted ADRs

Proposed ADRs

  • none

Rejected ADRs

  • none

Deprecated ADRs

  • none

Superseded ADRs

  • none