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Vultron and ActivityPub

This page is not normative

This page is not considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol as proposed in the main documentation. Although within the page we might provide guidance in terms of SHOULD, MUST, etc., the content here is not normative.

The Vultron protocol can be mapped onto the ActivityPub protocol. This mapping is described in the Vultron ActivityStreams Ontology.

In this section, we'll provide some examples of how the Vultron protocol message types can be represented as ActivityPub messages using the ActivityStreams vocabulary.

ActivityStreams Vocabulary

The ActivityStreams vocabulary can be thought of as defining a grammar for describing activities that are performed by actors. The generic structure of a sentence that can be described using the ActivityStreams vocabulary is:

graph LR
    Actor -->|performs| Activity
    Activity -->|on| Object
    Activity -->|from| Origin
    Activity -->|to| Target
    Activity -->|using| Instrument
    Activity -->|with| Result
    Activity -->|in| Context

Vultron ActivityStreams

From this perspective, the ActivityStreams vocabulary can be used to compose activities like the following:

  • A Reporter Submits a Report to a Vendor
  • A Vendor Validates a Report
  • A Vendor Creates a Case from a Report
  • A Reporter Proposes an Embargo on a Case
  • A Vendor Accepts an Embargo on a Case

Vultron ActivityStreams (Vultron AS) is an extension of the ActivityStreams vocabulary to describe the mapping of Vultron to ActivityStreams. Vultron AS defines a number of new objects and activities that are used in the Vultron protocol. These are described in the following sections:

  • Objects specific to the Vultron AS vocabulary
  • Activities used in the Vultron AS vocabulary