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Status Updates and Comments

This page is not normative

This page is not considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol as proposed in the main documentation. Although within the page we might provide guidance in terms of SHOULD, MUST, etc., the content here is not normative.

Here we have a number of activities that are used to update the status of a case, or to add a comment to a case.

flowchart TB
    subgraph as:Add
    subgraph as:Create
    start -.-> CreateStatus
    start -.-> CreateParticipantStatus
    start -.-> CreateNote
    CreateNote --> AddNoteToCase
    CreateStatus --> AddStatusToCase
    CreateParticipantStatus --> AddStatusToParticipant
    AddStatusToParticipant -.-> AddStatusToCase
    AddNoteToCase -.-> AddStatusToParticipant
    AddNoteToCase -.-> AddStatusToCase

See also

Descriptions of the CaseStatus and ParticipantStatus, and CaseParticipant objects can be found in the Objects section.

In addition to the Create/Add process for each of these, there are sometimes additional activities that are triggered in response to a status update or a comment:

  • A status update to a participant can trigger a status update to the case.
  • A note might trigger a status update to a case or a participant.

A Note on as:Notes

The ActivityStreams vocabulary includes an as:Note object, which is used to represent a comment or short post. We use this object to represent comments on a case.

Create then Add vs Create with a Target

In this documentation, we use the as:Create activity to represent the creation of a new object, such as a new note or a new status. We use the as:Add activity to represent the addition of an existing object to another object, such as adding a status to a case.

However, it is likely acceptable within an ActivityPub implementation to use the as:Create activity for both cases, since the as:Create activity includes a target property that can be used to specify the object to which the new object is being added.

Sinilarly, it may also be acceptable to use the as:Add activity to represent the creation of a new object, since the as:Add activity includes a object property that can be used to specify the object that is being created along with the target property that can be used to specify the object to which the new object is being added.

Create Status

  "@context": "",
  "asType": "Create",
  "id": "https://for.example/2343ced8-e0b4-4b9b-afa4-aa9a9fa10882",
  "name": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor Create EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
  "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
  "object": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "CaseStatus",
    "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/status/1",
    "name": "EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
    "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1",
    "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "pxaState": "pxa"

Add Status to Case

  "@context": "",
  "asType": "Add",
  "id": "https://for.example/6be4a653-fb1b-4976-8d07-fadeb60a105a",
  "name": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor Add EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa to https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
  "target": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "object": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "CaseStatus",
    "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/status/1",
    "name": "EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
    "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1",
    "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "pxaState": "pxa"

Create Participant Status

  "@context": "",
  "asType": "Create",
  "id": "https://for.example/3a4e9732-0087-49e9-bbdd-829cc18ce289",
  "name": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor Create REPORT_MANAGEMENT_RECEIVED Vfd EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
  "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
  "target": null,
  "object": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "ParticipantStatus",
    "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor/status/1",
    "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor",
    "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
    "vfdState": "Vfd",
    "caseEngagement": true,
    "embargoAdherence": true,
    "caseStatus": {
      "@context": "",
      "type": "CaseStatus",
      "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/status/1",
      "name": "EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
      "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1",
      "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
      "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
      "pxaState": "pxa"

Add Status to Participant

  "@context": "",
  "asType": "Add",
  "id": "https://for.example/b14efa96-7a64-43fb-80a1-b14186b67911",
  "name": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor Add REPORT_MANAGEMENT_RECEIVED Vfd EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa to https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor",
  "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
  "target": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor",
  "object": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "ParticipantStatus",
    "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor/status/1",
    "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor",
    "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
    "vfdState": "Vfd",
    "caseEngagement": true,
    "embargoAdherence": true,
    "caseStatus": {
      "@context": "",
      "type": "CaseStatus",
      "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/status/1",
      "name": "EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
      "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1",
      "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
      "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
      "pxaState": "pxa"

Create Note

  "@context": "",
  "type": "Create",
  "id": "https://for.example/f72330e3-f567-45b2-85c6-a789b96cd3a7",
  "name": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor Create Note to https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
  "target": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "object": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "Note",
    "id": "https://vultron.example/notes/1",
    "name": "Note",
    "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
    "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "content": "This is a note."

Add Note to Case

  "@context": "",
  "asType": "Add",
  "id": "https://for.example/854b3335-ebc4-4766-9ec1-f63ef0edda1b",
  "name": "https://vultron.example/users/finn Add Note to https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "actor": "https://vultron.example/users/finn",
  "target": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "object": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "Note",
    "id": "https://vultron.example/notes/1",
    "name": "Note",
    "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
    "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:19+00:00",
    "content": "This is a note."