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Vultron ActivityStreams Objects

This page is not normative

This page is not considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol as proposed in the main documentation. Although within the page we might provide guidance in terms of SHOULD, MUST, etc., the content here is not normative.

Vultron ActivityStreams (Vultron AS) is an extension of the ActivityStreams vocabulary to describe the mapping of Vultron to ActivityStreams.

ActivityStreams native objects

The ActivityStreams Vocabulary defines a number of native object types that can be used to represent objects in the ActivityPub protocol. These fall into the following categories:

  • Actors (see below)
  • Activities (see the Activities section for more information)
  • Other (non-Activity) Object Types (see below)


Actor vs CaseParticipant

As we will see below, we will introduce a new object type called CaseParticipant to represent the participants in a VulnerabilityCase. This is because the as:Actor types are intended to represent persistent identities within a larger ActivityPub network, while a CaseParticipant is a contextual identity that associates an actor to a specific VulnerabilityCase object. We need to make this distinction so that the Vultron protocol can represent a single actor participating in multiple cases, with discrete roles and statuses within the context of each case.

The standard ActivityStreams actor types can be used in Vultron. These include:

  • as:Person
  • as:Organization
  • as:Group
  • as:Service
  • as:Application

Other (non-Activity) Object Types

ActivityStreams also includes a number of native object types, including:

  • as:Article
  • as:Collection
  • as:CollectionPage, including as:OrderedCollection and as:OrderedCollectionPage
  • as:Document, including as:Audio, as:Image, and as:Video
  • as:Event
  • as:Note
  • as:Page
  • as:Place
  • as:Profile
  • as:Relationship
  • as:Tombstone

Of these, we mainly use as:Note to represent comments on a VulnerabilityCase. The EmbargoEvent object a specialization of the as:Event object. There is nothing stopping systems that implement the Vultron protocol from using other ActivityStreams object types as needed, but we do not define any special semantics for these objects in the context of the Vultron protocol.

Vultron-specific objects

See also

As a reminder, we already described these objects in the Case Object section. This section is intended to describe how these objects are represented as ActivityStreams objects.

We define the following objects for use in the Vultron AS vocabulary:


A VulnerabilityReport object is used to represent a vulnerability report as an ActivityStreams object. We are not attempting to fully define a vulnerability report data object in this protocol. Instead, we are defining a minimal set of properties that are necessary to support the protocol.

In the example below, we show a VulnerabilityReport object that contains a simple text description of a vulnerability in the content property. However, in a real implementation, the content property might contain any sort of vulnerability report format that could be embedded as part of the JSON object.

Examples of what might go into the content property of a VulnerabilityReport object include:

  • Community-developed Structured formats like CSAF or CVE JSON
  • Quasi-structured text formats based on templates like the OWASP Vulnerability Template
  • Proprietary formats used by vendors, coordinators, or finders, such as might be found behind a web form like CERT/CC's Vulnerability Reporting Form
  • A plain text description of the vulnerability, for example a markdown-formatted text description with section headings and links to external resources

We are deliberately leaving the format of the content property open-ended in order to allow for flexibility in the types of vulnerability reports that can be represented. However, we do recommend that the content property be used to represent a widely-used structured format whenever possible, since this will allow for more automation in the processing of vulnerability reports.

While we recommend that the content property be used to contain text-based vulnerability report formats, we also recognize the potential need for some vulnerability reports to take the form of binary attachments, such as PDF documents, images, audio files, or video files. In these cases, the content property could contain a link to the binary file or an embedded encoding of the binary file. However, we recommend that binary attachments be avoided whenever possible, since they can be more difficult to process automatically.

  "@context": "",
  "type": "VulnerabilityReport",
  "id": "https://vultron.example/reports/FDR-8675309",
  "name": "FDR-8675309",
  "content": "I found a vulnerability!",
  "attributedTo": [

Articles and Documents

Obviously a VulnerabilityReport or advisory draft could also be an as:Article or as:Document, but at the moment we don't use those types explicitly.


A VulnerabilityCase object is used to represent a vulnerability case as an ActivityStreams object. As with VulnerabilityReport, we are not attempting to fully define a vulnerability case data object in this protocol. Instead, we are defining a minimal set of properties that are necessary to support the protocol. The VulnerabilityCase object is intended to be consistent with the Case Object defined elsewhere.

ActivityStreams Objects are for Interoperability

The objects we define here are intended to be used to promote interoperability between systems that communicate using ActivityPub. They are not intended to be used as a data model for a single system. For example, one vendor might use Github issues to track vulnerability cases, while another might use Jira. Both vendors could use the same VulnerabilityCase object to represent their cases in ActivityPub, but they would not necessarily use the same data model internally.

  "@context": "",
  "type": "VulnerabilityCase",
  "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "name": "VENDOR Case #20991514",
  "caseParticipants": [
  "vulnerabilityReports": [
      "@context": "",
      "type": "VulnerabilityReport",
      "id": "https://vultron.example/reports/FDR-8675309",
      "name": "FDR-8675309",
      "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
      "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
      "content": "I found a vulnerability!",
      "attributedTo": [
  "caseStatus": [
      "@context": "",
      "type": "CaseStatus",
      "id": "https://for.example/666877e5-86f1-4a06-902e-9ea1e42c553f",
      "name": "EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
      "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
      "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
      "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
      "pxaState": "pxa"
  "activeEmbargo": null


A CaseStatus object is used to represent the participant-agnostic status of a VulnerabilityCase object. We describe the semantics of the CaseStatus object in the Case Object section. The distinction between participant-agnostic and participant-specific status is described in the Global vs Local section.

  "@context": "",
  "type": "CaseStatus",
  "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/status/1",
  "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1",
  "pxaState": "pxa"


As noted above, the CaseParticipant object is a wrapper around an as:Actor object that associates the actor with a specific VulnerabilityCase object. The CaseParticipant object is intended to be consistent with the Participant Class defined as part of the Case Object. The CaseParticipant object also includes a participantStatus property that describes the participant's status in the case as it progresses.

  "@context": "",
  "type": "CaseParticipant",
  "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor",
  "name": "Vendor",
  "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1",
  "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
  "caseRoles": [
  "participantStatus": [
      "@context": "",
      "type": "ParticipantStatus",
      "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor/status/1",
      "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor",
      "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
      "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
      "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
      "vfdState": "Vfd",
      "caseEngagement": true,
      "embargoAdherence": true,
      "caseStatus": {
        "@context": "",
        "type": "CaseStatus",
        "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/status/1",
        "name": "EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
        "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1",
        "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
        "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
        "emState": "EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE",
        "pxaState": "pxa"


A ParticipantStatus object is used to represent the participant-specific status of a CaseParticipant within the context of a VulnerabilityCase object. As noted above, see the Global vs Local section for more information about the distinction between participant-agnostic and participant-specific status.

  "@context": "",
  "type": "ParticipantStatus",
  "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor/status/1",
  "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/participants/vendor",
  "actor": "https://vultron.example/organizations/vendor",
  "vfdState": "Vfd",
  "caseEngagement": true,
  "embargoAdherence": true,
  "caseStatus": {
    "@context": "",
    "type": "CaseStatus",
    "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/1/status/1",
    "name": "EMBARGO_MANAGEMENT_NONE pxa",
    "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/1",
    "published": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
    "updated": "2024-07-09T20:17:17+00:00",
    "pxaState": "pxa"

Why is there a CaseStatus inside the ParticipantStatus?

The ParticipantStatus object allows for a CaseParticipant to include a CaseStatus object that is specific to that participant. This allows for a participant to indicate that they believe the case as a whole is in a different state than the case owner believes it to be in. For example, a vendor might believe that a an exploit has been released for a vulnerability, while the coordinating case owner believes that the vulnerability is still unexploited. In this case, the vendor could include a CaseStatus object in their ParticipantStatus that indicates that the case has reached Exploit Public. Upon confirmation of this status by the case owner, the case owner would update the CaseStatus object in the VulnerabilityCase object to reflect the new status by changing the pxaState to include X.


An EmbargoEvent object is used to represent the end date and time of an embargo event as an ActivityStreams object. It is a specialization of the as:Event object.

  "@context": "",
  "type": "EmbargoEvent",
  "id": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514/embargo_events/2024-10-07T00:00:00+00:00",
  "name": "Embargo for https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514 start: 2024-07-09T20:17:00+00:00 end: 2024-10-07T00:00:00+00:00",
  "context": "https://vultron.example/cases/VDR-20991514",
  "startTime": "2024-07-09T20:17:00+00:00",
  "endTime": "2024-10-07T00:00:00+00:00",
  "content": "We propose to embargo VENDOR Case #20991514 for 90 days."