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Embargo Management and the iCalendar Protocol

This page is not normative

This page is not considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol as proposed in the main documentation. Although within the page we might provide guidance in terms of SHOULD, MUST, etc., the content here is not normative.

We are including this page because the ideas outlined here were instrumental to the development of the more general Embargo Management process in the main protocol and may remain of use in future implementations.

The embargo negotiation process—in terms of the proposal, acceptance, rejection, etc.—is strikingly parallel to the process of scheduling a meeting in a calendaring system. To that end, we note the potential application of the iCalendar protocol specified in RFC 5545 to the EM process with the semantics described in this section. While we anticipate that future CVD APIs could adopt an iCalendar-compatible syntax like jCal (RFC 7265), for this conceptual mapping, we use the basic iCalendar syntax from RFC 5545.

A CVD Case might have an associated iCalendar object. Embargo schedules can be represented as a single VEVENT object.

A mapping of EM concepts to iCalendar field mappings is provided in the table below.

Embargo Concept iCalendar Mapping EM Msg Type
Embargo object VEVENT -
Embargo ID SUMMARY:<case id> embargo expiration -
Embargo End Time and Date DSTART = DTEND (0 duration event) -
Proposer ORGANIZER -
Participant (proposed) ATTENDEE;
Participant (acknowledge without acceptance) ATTENDEE;
Participant (accept) ATTENDEE;
Participant (reject) ATTENDEE;
Details (link to case trackers, etc.) DESCRIPTION -
Embargo Status \(q^{em} \in P\) STATUS:TENTATIVE EP
Embargo Status \(q^{em} \in A\) STATUS:CONFIRMED EA, EC
Embargo Status \(q^{em} \in X\) due to early termination STATUS:CANCELLED ET
Embargo Status \(q^{em} \in N\) due to lack of acceptance quorum STATUS:CANCELLED ER

Reflecting the non-binding nature of embargoes, each ATTENDEE SHOULD be marked as ROLE=OPT-PARTICIPANT in the invitation.

Vulnerability details MUST NOT appear in the iCalendar data.

A case or vulnerability identifier SHOULD appear in the VEVENT SUMMARY along with the words "embargo expiration."

Case or vulnerability identifiers SHOULD NOT carry any information that reveals potentially sensitive details about the vulnerability.

An embargo proposal SHALL set RSVP:True for all attendees.

A Participant response with ATTENDEE:partstat=TENTATIVE serves as a basic acknowledgment that the embargo proposal has been received, but it does not represent agreement to the proposal.

The iCalendar ATTENDEE:partstat=DELEGATED value has no semantic equivalent in the EM process.

Proposing an Embargo

Following the model of inviting a group of attendees to a meeting, a proposed embargo can be achieved as follows:

  1. An ORGANIZER sends an embargo invitation, represented by a VEVENT with STATUS:TENTATIVE listing Participants as ATTENDEEs (\(q^{em} \in N \xrightarrow{p} P\)).

  2. Each ATTENDEE has partstat=NEEDS-ACTION set on the invitation, indicating that they have not yet accepted it.

  3. Individual ATTENDEEs acknowledge (partstat=TENTATIVE), accept (partstat=ACCEPTED), or decline (partstat=DECLINED). Their response is sent to the ORGANIZER.

  4. If the ORGANIZER determines that there is a quorum of accepts, they mark the VEVENT as STATUS:CONFIRMED (\(q^{em} \in P \xrightarrow{a} A\)).

  5. If the ORGANIZER determines that there is no sufficient quorum of accepts, they mark the new VEVENT as STATUS:CANCELLED (\(q^{em} \in P \xrightarrow{r} N\)).

Embargo Counterproposals

Counterproposals can be achieved in two ways:

  1. by declining an initial invitation and then proposing a new one (\(q^{em} \in P \xrightarrow{r} N \xrightarrow{p} P\))

  2. by proposing a new embargo without declining the first one (\(q^{em} \in P \xrightarrow{p} P\))

Either way, this is analogous to requesting a proposed meeting to be shifted to a different time or date prior to accepting the original proposed meeting time. However, following the argument from Default Embargoes, we suggest that Participants start by (1) accepting the shortest proposed embargo and (2) proposing a revision to the new embargo instead, which we cover next.

Proposing a Change to an Existing Embargo


This process assumes that an existing embargo is represented by a VEVENT withSTATUS:CONFIRMED.

Similar to rescheduling an existing meeting, a proposed change to an existing embargo can be achieved as follows.

  1. A new proposal is made as a VEVENT with STATUS:TENTATIVE and the same ATTENDEE list as the existing one (\(q^{em} \in A \xrightarrow{p} R\)).

  2. Each ATTENDEE on the new invitation has partstat=NEEDS-ACTION set, indicating that they have not yet accepted the new invitation.

  3. Individual ATTENDEEs acknowledge (partstat=TENTATIVE), accept (partstat=ACCEPTED), or decline (partstat=DECLINED). Their response is sent to the ORGANIZER.

  4. If the ORGANIZER determines that there is a quorum of accepts (\(q^{em} \in R \xrightarrow{a} A\)), they

    1. mark the new VEVENT as STATUS:CONFIRMED

    2. mark the old VEVENT as STATUS:CANCELLED

  5. If the ORGANIZER determines that there is no sufficient quorum of accepts (\(q^{em} \in R \xrightarrow{r} A\)), they

    1. mark the new VEVENT as STATUS:CANCELLED

    2. retain the old VEVENT as STATUS:CONFIRMED

Terminating an Existing Embargo

Terminating an existing embargo (\(q^{em} \in \{A,R\} \xrightarrow{t} X\)) can be triggered in one of two ways:

  • A normal exit occurs when the planned embargo end time has expired.

  • An abnormal exit occurs when some external event causes the embargo to fail, such as when the vulnerability or its exploit has been made public, attacks have been observed, etc., as outlined in Early Termination.

Translating this into iCalendar semantics, we have the following, which assumes an existing embargo is represented by a VEVENT with STATUS:CONFIRMED.

  1. Normal termination: The VEVENT retains its STATUS:CONFIRMED and passes quietly from the future through the present into the past.

  2. Abnormal termination: The ORGANIZER sets the VEVENT to STATUS:CANCELLED and sends it out to the ATTENDEE list.

The above is consistent with our premise in Early Termination: Embargo Termination (\(ET\)) messages are intended to have immediate effect.