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Process Implementation Notes

This page is not normative

This page is not considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol as proposed in the main documentation. Although within the page we might provide guidance in terms of SHOULD, MUST, etc., the content here is not normative.

Integrating the Vultron Protocol into everyday MPCVD operations requires each Participant to consider how their business processes interact with the individual RM, EM, and CS, process models, respectively. Here we offer some thoughts on where such integration might begin.

RM Implementation Notes

Roughly speaking, the RM process is very close to a normal IT Service Management (ITSM) incident or service request workflow. As such, the RM process could be implemented as a JIRA ticket workflow, as part of a Kanban process, etc. The main modifications needed to adapt an existing workflow are to intercept the key milestones and emit the appropriate RM messages:

  • when the reports are received (RK)

  • when the report validation process completes (RI, RV)

  • when the report prioritization process completes (RA, RD)

  • when the report is closed (RC)

Vulnerability Draft Pre-Publication Review

Pre-Publication Drafts in Related Standards

ISO/IEC 29148:2018 includes a pre-publication review step in its process.

MPCVD case Participants often share pre-publication drafts of their advisories during the embargo period. Our protocol proposal is mute on this subject because it is not strictly necessary for the MPCVD process to complete successfully. However, as we observe in the ISO Crosswalk, the GI and GK message types appear to provide sufficient mechanics for this process to be fleshed out as necessary. This draft-sharing process could be built into the prepare publication process, where appropriate.

EM Implementation Notes

Embargo Management and Calendaring

In terms of the proposal, acceptance, rejection, etc., the EM process is strikingly parallel to the process of scheduling a meeting in a calendaring system. In EM and iCalendar, we suggest a potential mapping of many of the concepts from the EM process onto iCalendar protocol semantics.

Embargo Management Does Not Deliver Synchronized Publication

In our protocol design, we were careful to focus the EM process on establishing when publication restrictions are lifted. That is not the same as actually scheduling publications following the embargo termination. Our experience at the CERT/CC shows that this distinction is rarely a significant problem since many case Participants simply publish at their own pace shortly after the embargo ends. However, at times, case Participants may find it necessary to coordinate even more closely on publication scheduling.

TLP and Embargoes

The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) is a useful tool for managing the dissemination of sensitive information. TLP can be used to indicate how widely information can be shared and what restrictions apply during an embargo. For example, an embargoed case might be marked TLP:AMBER to indicate that the information is sensitive and should be shared only with those who need to know. Thus, an embargo declaration might take the form of "This case is TLP:AMBER until 2024-03-31 23:59:59 UTC, at which time it becomes TLP:CLEAR." We have more to say about the use of TLP in CVD in the CERT Guide to CVD.

CS Implementation Notes

Because part of the CS model is Participant specific and the other is global to the case, we address each part below.

The vfd Process

Similar to the RM process, which is specific to each Participant, the vfd process is individualized to each Vendor (or Deployer, for the simpler \(d \xrightarrow{\mathbf{D}} D\) state transition). Modifications to the Vendor's development process to implement the Vultron Protocol are expected to be minimal and are limited to the following:

  • acknowledging the Vendor's role on report receipt with a CV message

  • emitting a CF message when a fix becomes ready (and possibly terminating any active embargo to open the door to publication)

  • (if relevant) issuing a CD message when the fix has been deployed

Non-Vendor Deployers are rarely involved in MPCVD cases, but when they are, their main integration point is to emit a CD message when deployment is complete.

The pxa Process

On the other hand, the pxa process hinges on monitoring public and private sources for evidence of information leaks, research publications, and adversarial activity. In other words, the pxa process is well positioned to be wired into Participants' threat intelligence and threat analysis capabilities. The goal would be to emit CP, CX, and CA messages as appropriate when such evidence is detected. Some portions of this process can be automated:

  • Human analysts and/or automated search agents can look for evidence of early publication of vulnerability information.

  • IDS and IPS signatures might be deployed prior to fix availability to act as an early warning of adversary activity.

  • Well-known code publication and malware analysis platforms can be monitored for evidence of exploit publication or use.