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ISO/IEC 29147:2018 Crosswalk

This page is not normative

This page is not considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol as proposed in the main documentation. Although within the page we might provide guidance in terms of SHOULD, MUST, etc., the content here is not normative.

ISO/IEC 29147:2018 Information technology — Security techniques — Vulnerability disclosure also overlaps with the Vultron Protocol.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, clauses 5 through 9 of ISO/IEC 29147:2018 overlap significantly with the Vultron Protocol.

Consistent Terminology

Our use of the following terms is consistent with ISO/IEC 29147:2018 §5.4 Systems, components, and services: Systems, Components, Products, Services, Vulnerability, and Product interdependency.

ISO/IEC 29147:2018 §5.5 Stakeholder Roles includes User, Vendor, Reporter, and Coordinator. We generally use Deployer instead of User, but the rest are consistent.

See the table below for a thorough cross-reference.

Sub-Clause Vultron Protocol Mapping
5.6 Vulnerability Handling Process Summary 5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Preparation
5.6.3 Receipt
5.6.4 Verification
5.6.5 Remediation development
5.6.6 Release
5.6.7 Post-release
The first few subsections of ISO/IEC 29147:2018 §5.6 are recapitulated in ISO/IEC 30111:2019. Accordingly, see the corresponding rows on that page
5.6.8 Embargo period EM Discussion
5.7 Information exchange during vulnerability disclosure send-report-to Message Types
Reporting Behavior
\(q^{rm} \in A + RS\) sender
\(q^{rm} \in S \xrightarrow{r} R + RS\) receiver
release-advisory-to Message Types
Prepare Publication Behavior
\(q^{rm} \in A + GI\) sender
\(q^{rm} \in \{R,V,A,D\} + GI\) receiver
5.8 Confidentiality Embargo Management Model
Transport Protocol
5.9 Vulnerability advisories the Public Awareness substate
Publication Behavior
5.10 Vulnerability exploitation the Exploit Public substate
the Attacks Observed substate
Monitor Threats Behavior
5.11 Vulnerabilities and risk Interactions between the Vultron Protocol and SSVC
6 Receiving vulnerability reports 6.1 General the Report Management Model
the Vendor Awareness substate
Process RM Messages Behavior
6.2 Vulnerability reports 6.2.1 General the Report Management Model
Reporting Behavior
6.2.2 Capability to receive reports the Received state
Process RM Messages Behavior
6.2.3 Monitoring Receiving and Processing Messages Behavior
6.2.4 Report Tracking the Report Management Model
Reporting Behavior
Case Object
6.2.5 Report Acknowledgement RM Message Types
Process RM Messages Behavior
6.3 Initial assessment RM Message Types
Report Prioritization Behavior
6.4 Further investigation RM Message Types
Do Work Behavior
6.5 On-going communication Message Types
6.6 Coordinator involvement - RM Interactions Between CVD Participants
Inviting Others to and Embargoed Case
Coordination with a Coordinator
Notify Others Behavior
6.7 Operational security - Transport Protocol
7 Publishing vulnerability advisories all Publication Behavior
CVD Case Substates
7.3 Advisory publication timing Embargo Principles
7.4 Advisory elements Message Formats
7.5 Advisory communication Publication Behavior
7.6 Advisory format Message Formats
7.7 Advisory authenticity Identity Management
7.8 Remediations Deployment Behavior
8 Coordination 8.1 General the Received state
the Accepted state
RM Interactions Between CVD Participants
Inviting Others to an Embargoed Case
Modeling an MPCVD AI Using Behavior Trees
8.2 Vendors playing multiple roles the Received state
the Accepted state
the Fix Readiness Substate
Reporting Behavior
9 Vulnerability disclosure policy 9.2.2 Preferred contact mechanism Receiving and Processing Messages Behavior
9.3.2 Vulnerability report contents Case Object
9.3.3 Secure communication options Transport Protocol
9.3.4 Setting communication expectations Default Embargoes
Transition Functions
Report Management Behavior Tree
9.3.6 Publication Publication Behavior
9.4.3 Disclosure timeline Embargo Management Model