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Vultron Contextualized


The Understanding Vultron section assumes that you have:

  • an interest in learning about the Vultron Protocol
  • familiarity with the CVD process in general

If you are already familiar with the Vultron Protocol, and are looking for implementation advice, see Implementing Vultron. For technical reference, see Reference. If you're just trying to understand the CVD process, we recommend that you start with the CERT Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure.

The CVD process addresses a human coordination problem that spans individuals and organizations. As we wrote in The CERT Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure:

Excerpt from The CERT Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

Perhaps the simplest description of the CVD process is that it starts with at least one individual becoming aware of a vulnerability in a product. This discovery event immediately divides the world into two sets of people: those who know about the vulnerability, and those who don't. From that point on, those belonging to the set that knows about the vulnerability iterate on two questions:

  1. What actions should I take in response to this knowledge?
  2. Who else needs to know what, and when?

The CVD process continues until the answers to these questions are "nothing," and "nobody."


Any given CVD case is made up of many individual disclosure events, for example,

  • from a Finder to one or more Vendors and/or Coordinators
  • from Vendors and Coordinators to other Vendors and Coordinators
  • from Finders, Vendors, and Coordinators to Deployers and the Public

The following diagram illustrates the disclosure events between the various roles in the CVD process. Looping arrows indicate that an entity in one role might also disclose to another entity in the same role.

title: Potential Vulnerability Disclosure Events
flowchart TD

    finder -->|discloses to| vendor
    finder -->|discloses to| coordinator
    coordinator -->|discloses to| public
    vendor -->|discloses to| public
    finder -->|discloses to| public

    vendor -->|discloses to| vendor
    vendor -->|discloses to| coordinator
    vendor -.->|discloses to| deployer

    coordinator -->|discloses to| vendor
    coordinator -->|discloses to| coordinator
    coordinator -.->|discloses to| deployer

    public -->|available to| deployer
    public -->|available to| ovendor
    public -->|available to| ocoordinator

However, we can simplify the diagram with the recognition that the C in CVD stands for Coordinated. The following diagram illustrates the coordination relationships between the various roles in the CVD process.

title: Coordination Relationships in CVD
flowchart TB
    subgraph C[Coordination]
        direction LR
        subgraph A[Often<br/>Same<br/>Entity]
        subgraph D[Sometimes<br/>Included]

    finder <--> reporter
    reporter <--> vendor
    vendor <--> coordinator
    reporter <--> coordinator
    vendor <-.-> deployer
    coordinator <-.-> deployer
    reporter <-.-> deployer
    C -->|publish| public

In recent years, software supply chains have evolved such that software library and component vulnerabilities have become just as much a part of the everyday CVD process as vulnerabilities in Vendors' proprietary code. This means that many CVD cases we encounter require coordination across multiple vendors. As a result, we find it decreasingly useful to differentiate between "traditional" (i.e., two-party) CVD and MPCVD. In this documentation, we use both terms interchangeably.

\[CVD \iff MPCVD\]

Practically speaking, this means that readers should not infer from our use of CVD in one place that we meant to exclude the multi-party scenario, nor that our use of MPCVD implies the exclusion of the single-vendor CVD scenario. Instead, our intent is to construct a protocol that adequately addresses the MPCVD scenario where \(N_{vendors} \geq 1\) and for which the "traditional" CVD case is merely a special (and often simpler) case where \(N_{vendors} = 1\).

Context of Our Recent Work

This documentation, in the context of recent CVD work at the CERT/CC, is one of four foundational documents aimed at increasing the professionalization of the CVD process. The following is the full set of foundational documents (thus far):

Whereas the CVD Guide offers a narrative description of both the CVD process and the many scenarios one can expect to encounter as a Participant therein, in this documentation we provide an additional layer of formality in the form of a protocol for MPCVD.

What We Mean by Protocol

We first define what we mean by our use of the term protocol by providing a few common usages from the Oxford English Dictionary.

Oxford English Dictionary on protocol

(Computing and Telecommunications) A (usually standardized) set of rules governing the exchange of data between given devices, or the transmission of data via a given communications channel.

(In extended use) the accepted or established code of behavior in any group, organization, or situation; an instance of this.

Why Vultron?

The working name for our protocol is Vultron, an homage to the fictional robot Voltron. In the Voltron animated series, a team of protectors joins forces to defend the universe from their adversaries. Their defensive mission requires a combination of independent defenders coordinating their efforts to achieve their goals. Like Voltron, our Vultron Protocol comprises a combination of humans and the technical processes and mechanisms that empower them. Together, those humans, processes, and mechanisms must function both individually and in coordination and cooperation with others to protect information systems and the people who depend on them from exploitation by adversaries.

Both usages are relevant to this effort. First, insofar as we seek to scale the MPCVD process through the use of automation and software-augmented human processes, we wish to propose a formal technical protocol that can serve as the basis of such technical tools. The Formal Protocol section of this documentation addresses this first definition in specific detail after explicating its component parts and their interactions in Report Management, Embargo Management, Case State, and Model Interactions.

Second, recognizing that MPCVD is primarily a coordination process among human Participants with the goal of remediating extant vulnerabilities in deployed information systems, a protocol must not only address the technical formalities of communicating code but also extend to the expected behaviors of the human Participants that rely on it. In this second sense, we address the term protocol in these ways:

  • The CVD Guide offers a narrative protocol for practitioners to follow based on decades of accumulated experience and observation of the CVD process at the CERT/CC.

  • The Case State model from A State-Based Model for Multi-Party Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure offers a prescriptive protocol outlining the high-level goals of the CVD process, as derived from a first-principles approach to possible CVD case histories.

  • This documentation and the report it is based on describes a normative protocol designed to structure and guide practitioners toward those goals.

To that end, we offer this documentation as a proposal for such an MPCVD protocol.