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The Need for Interoperability in Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

The overall goal of our Vultron Protocol effort is to achieve interoperability among CVD process implementations according to the broad definition of that term found in the 2004 report, Current Perspectives on Interoperability by Brownsword et al.:

Brownsword et al. on Interoperability

The ability of a collection of communicating entities to (a) share specified information and (b) operate on that information according to an agreed operational semantics

This definition encompasses both (a) syntactic and (b) semantic interoperability. The goal of this documentation is to lay the foundation for the semantic interoperability of CVD processes across Participants. Syntactic interoperability, in the form of message formats and the like, is the focus of our ongoing effort.

Addressing semantic interoperability first is a deliberate choice. If we were to go in the reverse order, we might wind up with systems that exchange data quickly and accurately yet still fail to accomplish the mutually beneficial outcomes that MPCVD sets out to achieve. Carney et al. illustrate the importance of semantic interoperability in their 2005 report Some Current Approaches to Interoperability:

Carney et al. on semantic interoperability

There is a limited number of ways that agreements on meaning can be achieved. In the context of design-time interoperability, semantic agreements are reached in the same manner as interface agreements between the constituent systems... However, in the context of run-time interoperability, the situation is more complex, since there is need for some manner of universal agreement, so that a new system can join, ad-hoc, some other group of systems. The new system must be able to usefully share data and meaning with those other systems, and those other systems must be able to share data and meaning from an unfamiliar newcomer.

In this excerpt, replace the word "system" with the concept of a "CVD Case Participant," and the need for semantic interoperability as a means of achieving coordination in MPCVD becomes clear:

Paraphrasing Carney et al. in the context of CVD

[...] However, in the context of run-time interoperability, the situation is more complex, since there is need for some manner of universal agreement, so that a new CVD Participant can join, ad-hoc, some other group of CVD Participants [in a CVD Case]. The new CVD Case Participant must be able to usefully share data and meaning with those other CVD Case Participants, and those other Participants must be able to share data and meaning from an unfamiliar newcomer.

Elsewhere in the same report, Carney et al. write,

Carney et al. on the necessity of trust in interoperability

In the hoped-for context of unbounded systems of systems, trust in the actions and capabilities provided by interoperating parties is essential. Each party to an interaction must have, develop, or perceive a sense of whether the actions of interoperating parties can be trusted. This sense of trust is not Boolean (e.g., parties can be trusted to varying degrees), is context dependent (Party A can be trusted in a particular context but not in another), and is time sensitive (Party A can be trusted for a certain period). Further, the absence of trust-----distrust-----is less dangerous than misplaced trust: it is better to know that you cannot trust a particular party than to misplace trust in a party

The protocol we propose is intended to promote trust between MPCVD Participants both within an individual case as well as over time and across cases.


The objectives of this documentation are as follows:

  1. Provide a set of common primitives to serve as an ontological foundation for CVD process definitions across organizations.

  2. Construct abstract workflows that support the inter-organizational coordination and synchronization required for the CVD process to be successful.

  3. From those primitives and workflows, identify a set of message types needed for the CVD process to function.

  4. Provide high-level requirements for the semantic content of those message types.

  5. Explore options for the syntactic representation of those message types.