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Terms and Definitions

Throughout this documentation, we refer to CVD Roles from the CERT Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure:


The individual or organization that identifies the vulnerability


The individual or organization that notifies the vendor of the vulnerability

Vendor (Supplier)

The individual or organization that created or maintains the vulnerable product

The Vendor role is synonymous with the Supplier role as it appears in SSVC Version 2 and above.

Deployer (User)

The individual or organization that must deploy a patch or take other remediation action

The Deployer role is synonymous with the User role in ISO/IEC 29147:2018 and ISO/IEC 30111:2019, while the other roles are named consistent with those standards.


An individual or organization that facilitates the coordinated response process

We also add a new role in this documentation, which we expect to incorporate into a future version of the CVD Guide:

Exploit Publisher

An individual or organization that publishes exploits

Exploit Publishers might be the same as Finders, Reporters, Coordinators, or Vendors, but this is not guaranteed. For example, Vendors that produce tools for Cybersecurity Red Teams might play a combination of roles: Finder, Reporter, Vendor, Coordinator, and/or Exploit Publisher.

Finally, we have a few additional terms to define:

CVD Case (Case)

The unit of work for the overall CVD process for a specific vulnerability spanning the individual CVD Case Participants and their respective processes

CVD Case Participant (Participant)

Finder, Vendor, Coordinator, Deployer, etc., as defined above

Vulnerability Report (Report)

The unit of work for an individual Case Participant's Report Management (RM) process

A diagram showing the relationship between CVD Cases, Participants, and Reports can be found in Case Object.