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Vultron Protocol Version Numbering Scheme

Implementations may have their own versioning scheme

The versioning scheme described here applies only to the Vultron Protocol itself. Implementations of the Vultron Protocol are expected to have their own versioning schemes.

Current Version

The current version of the Vultron Protocol is


While we have not yet mapped out a future release schedule, in anticipation of future revisions, we have chosen a semantic versioning scheme for the Vultron Protocol. Specifically, Vultron Protocol versions will be assigned according to the format MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO, where

  • MAJOR represents the zero-indexed major version for the release.

  • MINOR represents a zero-indexed counter for minor releases that maintain compatibility with their MAJOR version.

  • MICRO represents an optional zero-indexed micro-version (patch) counter for versions that update a MINOR version.

Trailing zero values may be omitted (e.g., 3.1 and 3.1.0 denote the same version, similarly 5 and 5.0). It may be useful at some point to use pre-release tags such as -alpha, -beta, -rc (with optional zero-indexed counters as needed), but we reserve that decision until their necessity becomes clear. The same goes for build-specific tags; while we do not currently have a use for them, we do not rule out their future use.

Because of the early nature of the current protocol, as of this writing, no backward compatibility commitments are made or implied within the 0.x versions. We anticipate this commitment will change as we get closer to a major release.