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Modeling an MPCVD AI Using Behavior Trees

With the formal definition of the Vultron Protocol behind us, we now turn our attention to reflect on one of many possible paths toward implementation. We find that Behavior Trees have a number of desirable properties when it comes to automating the kinds of complex behaviors our protocol demands.

Behavior Trees are a way of designing and programming hierarchical behaviors. They originated in the computer gaming industry to develop realistic AIs to control NPCs in games. More recently, Behavior Trees have been used in robotics to create adaptive behaviors using autonomous AI agents. Behavior Trees offer a high potential for automating complex tasks. Agent processes can be modeled as sets of behaviors (pre-conditions, actions, and post-conditions) and the logic that joins them. Behavior Trees offer a way to organize and describe agent behaviors in a straightforward, understandable way.

In this section, we use Behavior Trees as a method for describing MPCVD Participant activities and their interactions with the formal protocol. These behaviors map approximately to the activities described in the CVD Guide (e.g., validate report, prioritize report, create fix, publish report, publish fix, deploy fix).

If Behavior Trees were merely a notational convention, they would already have been useful enough to include here to structure the high-level business logic of the Vultron Protocol. But they also offer a way to prototype software agents that reflect the activities of CVD Participants. Because Behavior Trees are inherently hierarchical, they are composable. Both conditions and actions can be composed into small task-oriented behaviors, which can, in turn, be composed to represent more complex agent behaviors. As a result, independent agents using Behavior Trees can be composed into multi-agent behaviors that achieve goals.

A Brief Introduction to Behavior Tree Notation

Behavior Trees consist of a hierarchy of nodes represented as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). A Behavior Tree execution always begins at the root node, and execution is passed along the tree by ticking each child node according to the logic built into the tree. When ticked, each node does its job and returns one of three statuses: Success, Failure, or Running. A full introduction to Behavior Trees can be found in Colledanchise and Ă–gren's book Behavior Trees in Robotics and AI: An Introduction.

Behavior Tree Node Types

Node Type Shape or Symbol Description
Root any control flow type has no parent nodes, has one or more child nodes, and can be of any of the control-flow types.
Condition rounded oval does not change the state of the world, has no child nodes, and returns only Success or Failure.
Task rectangle has no child nodes; performs a task, which might change the state of the world; and returns Success, Failure, or Running.
Sequence ticks each child node, returning the last Success or the first Failure, or Running if a child returns Running.
Fallback ? ticks each child node, returning the first Success or the last Failure, or Running if a child returns Running.
Loop repeatedly ticks child nodes until an exit condition is met.
Parallel ticks all child nodes simultaneously, and returns Success when \(m\) of \(n\) children have returned Success.

A basic Behavior Tree is shown below. When a tree is presented in the vertical orientation, each node's children should be read left to right. In the example below, we see two motifs that come up through the remainder of this section. On the left side is a Fallback node (\(\boxed{?}\)), which short-circuits to Success when the \(postcondition\) is already met. Otherwise, some activity will occur in \(task_a\) and, assuming that it succeeds, the \(postcondition\) is set. As a result, the fallback node ensures that Success means that the \(postcondition\) is met.

title: A Basic Behavior Tree
flowchart TD
    root --> l
    root --> r
    l --> l0
    l --> l1
    l1 --> l10
    l11[set postcondition]
    l1 --> l11
    r --> r0
    r --> r1
    r --> r2
    r2 --> r20
    r2 --> r21

On the right side is a sequence (\(\boxed{\rightarrow}\)) that hinges on a \(precondition\) being met prior to some set of actions being taken. Assuming the \(precondition\) is met, \(task_b\) fires and, assuming it succeeds execution, proceeds to another fallback node. This fallback node represents a set of tasks in which one only needs to succeed for the fallback to return Success. If \(task_c\) succeeds, then \(task_d\) does not run.

Behavior Trees can sometimes be wider than they are tall, so we sometimes display them in a horizontal orientation to save space. The semantics remain the same, but each node's children should be read top-to-bottom rather than left-to-right. The same tree as above is shown below in horizontal form.

title: A Basic Behavior Tree (horizontal)
flowchart LR
    root --> l
    root --> r
    l --> l0
    l --> l1
    l1 --> l10
    l11[set postcondition]
    l1 --> l11
    r --> r0
    r --> r1
    r --> r2
    r2 --> r20
    r2 --> r21

Behavior Trees are composable—that is, a task node in one tree can be replaced with a more refined Behavior Tree in another. We leverage this feature throughout the remainder of this chapter to describe an agent model for an MPCVD Participant as a set of nested Behavior Trees that reflect the protocol described in the previous chapters.