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Do Work Behavior Tree

Although it is not directly addressed by the formal Vultron Protocol, the do work node of the RM Behavior Tree is where much of the CVD effort happens. As a result, it is worth spending some time reviewing what some of the underlying work actually entails.

In this section, we will expand on the set of behaviors shown in the diagram below.

Why is this a parallel node?

The do work node is a parallel node because it is not necessary for a Participant to complete all of these tasks in order to complete their CVD work. We intentionally do not specify any Success criteria regarding what fraction of its children must succeed. Decisions about which (and how many) of the following tasks are necessary for a Participant to complete work on their \(Accepted\) CVD cases are left to the discretion of individual Participants.

title: Do Work Behavior Tree
flowchart LR
    par --> deployment
    dev_fix["develop fix"]
    par --> dev_fix
    reporting["report to others"]
    par --> reporting
    par --> publication
    monitor["monitor threats"]
    par --> monitor
    assign_cve["assign CVE ID"]
    par --> assign_cve
    exploit_acq["acquire exploit"]
    par --> exploit_acq
    other["other work"]
    par --> other

Specifically, we will cover the following tasks, each in its own subsection.

The other work task is included as a placeholder for any Participant-specific tasks not represented here.