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Evaluate Proposed Embargo Behavior

The acceptance or counterproposal of an embargo is handled by the Evaluate Proposed Embargo Behavior Tree shown in the figure below.

title: Evaluate Proposed Embargo Behavior Tree
flowchart LR
    fb -->|A| seq1
    seq1 --> eval
    seq1 --> accept
    em_to_a["EM &rarr; A<br/>(emit EA)"]
    seq1 --> em_to_a
    fb -->|B| seq2
    will_counter(["willing to counter?"])
    seq2 --> will_counter
    seq2 --> propose

(A) As noted above, the same process applies to both the Proposed and Revise EM states (\(q^{em} \in \{P,R\}\)). An evaluation task is followed by an accept task. These tasks are placeholders for the actual decision-making process, which is left to individual Participants. In both cases, acceptance leads to an EM state transition to \(q^{em} \in A\) and emission of an \(EA\) message.

(B) On the other hand, the proposed terms may not be acceptable. In this case, the Participant might be willing to offer a counterproposal. The counterproposal is covered by the propose behavior.