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Process Other Messages Behavior

The Process Other Messages Behavior Tree is shown below.

title: Process Other Messages Behavior Tree
flowchart LR
    is_G_msg(["is G* msg?"])
    seq --> is_G_msg
    seq --> fb
    is_GK_msg(["is GK msg?"])
    fb --> is_GK_msg
    fb --> seq2
    seq2 --> fb2
    is_GI_msg(["is GI msg?"])
    fb2 --> is_GI_msg
    fb2 --> gi_seq
    is_GE_msg(["is GE msg?"])
    gi_seq --> is_GE_msg
    ge_emit_GI["emit GI"]
    gi_seq --> ge_emit_GI
    gi_emit_GK["emit GK"]
    seq2 --> gi_emit_GK

This tree represents the final chunk of the fallback node in the Receive Messages Behavior. And here, for the final time, we see a message type check and that general acknowledgment messages (GK) receive no further attention and return Success. General inquiries (GI) get at least an acknowledgment, with any follow-up to be handled by do work. As usual, errors (GE) also trigger follow-up inquiries (GI) in the interest of resolution.