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Report Closure Behavior

The Report Closure Behavior Tree is shown below. As usual, the post-condition is checked before proceeding. (A) If the case is already Closed (\(q^{rm} \in C\)), we're done. Otherwise, (B) the main close sequence begins with a check for whether the report closure criteria have been met. Report closure criteria are Participant-specific and are, therefore, out of scope for this specification. Nevertheless, once those closure criteria are met, the actual close report task is activated (e.g., an OnClose callback). The sequence ends with setting the state to Closed (\(q^{rm} \xrightarrow{c} C\)) and emitting an \(RC\) message.

title: Report Closure Behavior Tree
flowchart LR
    check_closed(["RM in C?"])
    fb -->|A| check_closed
    fb -->|B| seq
    close_criteria_met(["close criteria met?"])
    seq --> close_criteria_met
    close["close report"]
    seq --> close
    close_to_c["RM &rarr; C<br/>(emit RC)"]
    seq --> close_to_c