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Discriminating Skill and Luck in Observations

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Does CVD as observed in the wild demonstrate skillful behavior?

In order to answer this question, we need a way to measure skillful behavior in CVD. This section defines a method for measuring skill in CVD.

The measurement method makes use of all the modeling tools and baselines established thus far: a comprehensive set of possible histories \(\mathcal{H}\), a partial order over them in terms of the presence of desired event precedence \((\mathcal{H},\leq_{\mathbb{D}})\), and the a priori expected frequency of each desiderata \(d \in \mathbb{D}\).

If we expected to be able to observe all events in all CVD cases, we could be assured of having complete histories and could be done here. But the real world is messy. Not all events \(\mathbf{e} \in \mathcal{E}\) are always observable. We need to develop a way to make sense of what we can observe, regardless of whether we are ever able to capture complete histories. Continuing towards our goal of measuring efficacy, we return to considering the balance between skill and luck in determining our observed outcomes.

A Measure of Skill in CVD

We have established a set of desiderata \(\mathbb{D}\) that we would like to see in a CVD case. Now, we want to measure the degree to which a CVD practice is skillful in achieving those desiderata. In a world of pure skill, one would expect that a player could achieve all 12 desiderata \(d \in \mathbb{D}\) consistently. That is, a maximally skillful player could consistently achieve the specific ordering \(h=(\mathbf{V},\mathbf{F},\mathbf{D},\mathbf{P},\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A})\) with probability \(p_{skill} = 1\).

Factors that could affect the observed frequency of a desideratum

There are many reasons why we might expect our observations to differ from the expected frequencies we established in Reasoning Over Possible Histories. Adversaries might be rare, or conversely very well equipped. Vendors might be very good at releasing fixes faster than adversaries can discover vulnerabilities and develop exploits for them. System owners might be diligent at applying patches. (We did say might, didn't we?) Regardless, for now we will lump all of those possible explanations into a single attribute called "skill."

Thus, we construct the following model: for each of our preferred orderings \(d \in \mathbb{D}\), we model their occurrence due to luck using the binomial distribution with parameter \(p_{luck} = f_d\) taken from the event frequency table in Reasoning Over Possible Histories, reproduced below for convenience:

Expected Frequency of \({row} \prec {col}\) when events are chosen uniformly from possible transitions in each state

\(\mathbf{V}\) \(\mathbf{F}\) \(\mathbf{D}\) \(\mathbf{P}\) \(\mathbf{X}\) \(\mathbf{A}\)
\(\mathbf{V}\) 0 1 1 0.333 0.667 0.750
\(\mathbf{F}\) 0 0 1 0.111 0.333 0.375
\(\mathbf{D}\) 0 0 0 0.037 0.167 0.187
\(\mathbf{P}\) 0.667 0.889 0.963 0 0.500 0.667
\(\mathbf{X}\) 0.333 0.667 0.833 0.500 0 0.500
\(\mathbf{A}\) 0.250 0.625 0.812 0.333 0.500 0

Recall that the mean of a binomial distribution is simply the probability of success \(p\), and that the mean of a weighted mixture of two binomial distributions is simply the weighted mixture of the individual means. Therefore our model adds a parameter \(\alpha_d\) to represent the weighting between our success rates arising from skill \(p_{skill}\) and luck \(p_{luck}\). Because there are 12 desiderata \(d \in \mathbb{D}\), each \(d\) will have its own observations and corresponding value for \(\alpha_d\) for each history \(h_a\).

Modeling Skill and Luck in Observations

We model the observed frequency of desiderata \(d\) as a weighted mixture of the success rates due to skill and luck:

\[ f_d^{obs} = \alpha_d \cdot p_{skill} + (1 - \alpha_d) \cdot p_{luck} \]

Where \(f_d^{obs}\) is the observed frequency of successes for desiderata \(d\). Because \(p_{skill} = 1\), one of those binomial distributions is degenerate. Substituting \(p_{skill} = 1\), \(p_{luck} = f_d\) and solving the previous equation for \(\alpha\), we get

Skill Coefficient

The value of \(\alpha_d\) therefore gives us a measure of the observed skill normalized against the background success rate provided by luck \(f_d\).

\[ \alpha_d \stackrel{\mathsf{def}}{=}\frac{f_d^{obs} - f_d} {1 - f_d} \]

Skill Coefficient Set

We denote the set of \(\alpha_d\) values for a given history as \(\alpha_\mathbb{D}\). When we refer to the \(\alpha_d\) coefficient for a specific \(d\) we will use the specific ordering as the subscript, for example: \(\alpha_{\mathbf{F} \prec \mathbf{P}}\).

\[ \alpha_\mathbb{D} \stackrel{\mathsf{def}}{=}\{ \alpha_d : d \in \mathbb{D} \} \]

The concept embodied by \(f_d\) is founded on the idea that if attackers and defenders are in a state of equilibrium, the frequency of observed outcomes (i.e., how often each desiderata \(d\) and history \(h\) actually occurs) will appear consistent with those predicted by chance. So another way of interpreting \(\alpha_d\) is as a measure of the degree to which a set of observed histories is out of equilibrium.

Interpreting \(\alpha_d\) Behavior

The following are a few comments on how \(\alpha_d\) behaves. Note that \(\alpha_d < 0\) when \(0 \leq f_d^{obs} < f_d\) and \(0 \leq \alpha_d \leq 1\) when \(f_d \leq f_d^{obs} \leq 1\). The implication is that a negative value for \(\alpha_d\) indicates that our observed outcomes are actually worse than those predicted by pure luck. In other words, we can only infer positive skill when the observations are higher (\(f_d^{obs} > f_d\)). That makes intuitive sense: if you are likely to win purely by chance, then you have to attribute most of your wins to luck rather than skill. From the event frequency table above, the largest value for any \(d \in \mathbb{D}\) is \(f_{\mathbf{V} \prec \mathbf{A}}=0.75\), implying that even if a vendor knows about 7 out of 10 vulnerabilities before attacks occur (\(f_{\mathbf{V} \prec \mathbf{A}}^{obs} = 0.7\)), they are still not doing better than random.

On the other hand, when \(f_d\) is small it is easier to infer skill should we observe anything better than \(f_d\). However, it takes larger increments of observations \(f_d^{obs}\) to infer growth in skill when \(f_d\) is small than when it is large. The smallest \(f_d\) we see in the event frequency table is \(f_{\mathbf{D} \prec \mathbf{P}} = 0.037\).

Inherent to the binomial distribution is the expectation that the variance of results is lower for both extremes (as \(p\) approaches either 0 or 1) and highest at \(p=0.5\). Therefore we should generally be less certain of our observations when they fall in the middle of the distribution. We address uncertainty further in the tip at the end of this page.

Computing the Skill Coefficient from Observations

Although our analysis above develops a skill metric from observed frequencies, our observations will in fact be based on counts.

Observed Success Frequency

Observations consist of some number of successes \(S_d^{obs}\) out of some number of trials \(T\), i.e.,

\[ f_d^{obs} = \frac{S_d^{obs}}{T} \]

We likewise revisit our interpretation of \(f_d\).

Success Frequency in terms of Lucky Wins

\[ f_d = \frac{S_d^{luck}}{T} \]

where \(S_d^{luck}\) is the number of successes at \(d\) we would expect due to luck in \(T\) trials.

Substituting these two equations into our definition of \(\alpha_d\) above, and recalling that \(p_{skill} = 1\) because a maximally skillful player succeeds in \(T\) out of \(T\) trials, we get

Almost there: Computing \(\alpha_d\) from Observations and expected Luck

\[ \alpha_{d} = \frac{\cfrac{S_d^{obs}}{T}-\cfrac{S_d^{luck}}{T}} {\cfrac{T}{T}-\cfrac{S_d^{luck}}{T}} \]

Rearranging our lucky wins frequency to \(S_d^{luck} = {f_d}T\), we can simplify further to arrive at:

Computing \(\alpha_d\) from Observations

\[ \alpha_{d} = \frac{{S_d^{obs}}-{f_d}T}{(1-{f_d})T} \]

Hence for any of our desiderata \(\mathbb{D}\) we can compute \(\alpha_d\) given \(S_d^{obs}\) observed successes out of \(T\) trials in light of \(f_d\) taken from the event frequency table.

Before we address the data analysis we take a moment to discuss uncertainty.

Calculating Measurement Error

We have already described the basis of our \(f_d^{obs}\) model in the binomial distribution. While we could just estimate the error in our observations using the binomial's variance \(np(1-p)\), because of boundary conditions at 0 and 1 we should not assume symmetric error. An extensive discussion of uncertainty in the binomial distribution is given in 1.

However, for our purpose the Beta distribution lends itself to this problem nicely. The Beta distribution is specified by two parameters \((a,b)\). It is common to interpret \(a\) as the number of successes and \(b\) as the number of failures in a set of observations of Bernoulli trials to estimate the mean of the binomial distribution from which the observations are drawn. For any given mean, the width of the Beta distribution narrows as the total number of trials increases.

We use this interpretation to estimate a 95% credible interval for \(f_d^{obs}\) using a Beta distribution with parameters \(a = S_d^{obs}\) as successes and \(b = T - S_d^{obs}\) representing the number of failures using the scipy.stats.beta.interval function in Python. This gives us an upper and lower estimate for \(f_d^{obs}\), which we multiply by \(T\) to get upper and lower estimates of \(S_d^{obs}\) as in Observed Success Frequency above.

  1. Lawrence D Brown, T Tony Cai, and Anirban DasGupta. Interval estimation for a binomial proportion. Statistical science, pages 101–117, 2001.