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Sequences of Events and Possible Histories in CVD

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In Case State Events, we began by identifying a set of events of interest in CVD cases. Then we constructed a state model describing how the occurrence of these events can interact with each other. In this section, we look at paths through the resulting state model.

Sequences of Events

Before we can discuss the possible histories of CVD, we need to define the concept of a sequence of events.

Sequences Formally Defined

A sequence \(s\) is an ordered set of some number of events \(\sigma_i \in \Sigma\) for \(1 \leq i \leq n\) and the length of \(s\) is \(|s| \stackrel{\mathsf{def}}{=}n\).

In other words, a sequence \(s\) is an input string to the DFA defined in the CVD Case State Model.

\[s \stackrel{\mathsf{def}}{=}\left( \sigma_1, \sigma_2, \dots \sigma_n \right)\]

Case Histories

CS Model Input Symbols (\(\Sigma^{cs}\)) Defined
\[\Sigma^{cs} = \{\mathbf{V},\mathbf{F},\mathbf{D},\mathbf{P},\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A}\}\]

Here we diverge somewhat from the notation used for the RM and EM models, which use lowercase letters for transitions and uppercase letters for states. Because CS state names already use both lowercase and uppercase letters, here we use a bold font for the symbols of the CS DFA to differentiate the transition from the corresponding substate it leads to: e.g., \(vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{V}} Vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot\).

Armed with the definition of a sequence, we can now define a history.

Vulnerability Disclosure Case History Formally Defined

A vulnerability disclosure case history \(h\) is a sequence \(s\) containing one and only one of each of the symbols in \(\Sigma\); by definition \(|h| = |\Sigma| = 6\). Note this is a slight abuse of notation; \(|\textrm{ }|\) represents both sequence length and the cardinality of a set.

\[\begin{split} h \stackrel{\mathsf{def}}{=}s : & \forall \sigma_i, \sigma_j \in s \textrm{ it is the case that } \sigma_i \neq \sigma_j \textrm{ and } \\ & \forall \sigma_k \in \Sigma \textrm{ it is the case that } \exists \sigma_i \in s \textrm{ such that } \sigma_k = \sigma_i \end{split} \]

where two members of the set \(\Sigma\) are equal if they are represented by the same symbol and not equal otherwise.

The set of all potential histories, \(\mathcal{H}_p\), is a set of all the sequences \(h\) that satisfy this definition.

The Possible Histories of CVD

Given that a history \(h\) contains all six events \(\Sigma\) in some order, there could be at most 720 (\(_{6} \mathrm{P}_{6} = 6! = 720\)) potential histories. However, because of the causal requirements outlined in CS Transitions, we know that Vendor Awareness (V) must precede Fix Ready (F) and that Fix Ready must precede Fix Deployed (D).

The DFA developed in CS Process Model provides the mechanism to validate histories: a history \(h\) is valid if the DFA accepts it as a valid input string. Once this constraint is applied, only 70 possible histories \(h \in \mathcal{H}p\) remain viable. We denote the set of all such valid histories as \(\mathcal{H}\) and have \(|\mathcal{H}| = 70\). The set of possible histories \(\mathcal{H}\) corresponds to the 70 allowable paths through \(\mathcal{Q}^{CS}\) as can be derived from the CS transition function \(\delta^{CS}\) in CS Transitions. and the diagram in Case State Model Definition.

Other Definitions Used in the Table Below

Table of Possible Histories

The set of possible histories \(\mathcal{H}\) is listed exhaustively in the table below.

# \(h \in \mathcal{H}\) rank \(\mathbb{D}^h\) count \(f_h\)
0 (A, X, P, V, F, D) 1 0 0.0833
1 (A, P, V, X, F, D) 2 2 0.0417
2 (A, V, X, P, F, D) 3 2 0.0278
3 (X, P, V, A, F, D) 4 3 0.1250
4 (V, A, X, P, F, D) 5 3 0.0208
5 (P, V, A, X, F, D) 6 4 0.0417
6 (A, V, P, X, F, D) 7 3 0.0139
7 (A, P, V, F, X, D) 7 3 0.0208
8 (X, P, V, F, A, D) 8 4 0.0625
9 (V, A, P, X, F, D) 9 4 0.0104
10 (P, V, X, A, F, D) 10 5 0.0417
11 (V, P, A, X, F, D) 11 5 0.0104
12 (P, V, A, F, X, D) 11 5 0.0208
13 (V, X, P, A, F, D) 11 5 0.0312
14 (A, V, P, F, X, D) 12 4 0.0069
15 (A, P, V, F, D, X) 13 4 0.0208
16 (V, A, P, F, X, D) 14 5 0.0052
17 (X, P, V, F, D, A) 15 5 0.0625
18 (P, V, X, F, A, D) 16 6 0.0208
19 (A, V, F, X, P, D) 17 4 0.0093
20 (V, P, X, A, F, D) 18 6 0.0104
21 (P, V, F, A, X, D) 19 6 0.0139
22 (V, X, P, F, A, D) 19 6 0.0156
23 (V, P, A, F, X, D) 20 6 0.0052
24 (V, A, F, X, P, D) 21 5 0.0069
25 (P, V, A, F, D, X) 22 6 0.0208
26 (A, V, P, F, D, X) 23 5 0.0069
27 (A, V, F, P, X, D) 24 5 0.0046
28 (P, V, F, X, A, D) 25 7 0.0139
29 (V, P, X, F, A, D) 25 7 0.0052
30 (V, A, P, F, D, X) 26 6 0.0052
31 (V, A, F, P, X, D) 27 6 0.0035
32 (P, V, X, F, D, A) 28 7 0.0208
33 (V, P, F, A, X, D) 29 7 0.0035
34 (V, F, A, X, P, D) 30 6 0.0052
35 (V, X, P, F, D, A) 31 7 0.0156
36 (P, V, F, A, D, X) 32 7 0.0139
37 (V, P, A, F, D, X) 33 7 0.0052
38 (V, P, F, X, A, D) 34 8 0.0035
39 (A, V, F, P, D, X) 35 6 0.0046
40 (V, F, A, P, X, D) 36 7 0.0026
41 (V, P, X, F, D, A) 37 8 0.0052
42 (P, V, F, X, D, A) 37 8 0.0139
43 (V, A, F, P, D, X) 38 7 0.0035
44 (V, P, F, A, D, X) 39 8 0.0035
45 (V, F, P, A, X, D) 40 8 0.0026
46 (V, F, X, P, A, D) 41 8 0.0078
47 (A, V, F, D, X, P) 42 6 0.0046
48 (P, V, F, D, A, X) 43 8 0.0139
49 (V, A, F, D, X, P) 44 7 0.0035
50 (V, P, F, X, D, A) 45 9 0.0035
51 (V, F, A, P, D, X) 46 8 0.0026
52 (V, F, P, X, A, D) 46 9 0.0026
53 (A, V, F, D, P, X) 47 7 0.0046
54 (P, V, F, D, X, A) 48 9 0.0139
55 (V, P, F, D, A, X) 49 9 0.0035
56 (V, F, X, P, D, A) 50 9 0.0078
57 (V, F, P, A, D, X) 51 9 0.0026
58 (V, A, F, D, P, X) 52 8 0.0035
59 (V, F, A, D, X, P) 53 8 0.0026
60 (V, P, F, D, X, A) 54 10 0.0035
61 (V, F, P, X, D, A) 55 10 0.0026
62 (V, F, A, D, P, X) 56 9 0.0026
63 (V, F, P, D, A, X) 57 10 0.0026
64 (V, F, D, A, X, P) 58 9 0.0026
65 (V, F, P, D, X, A) 59 11 0.0026
66 (V, F, D, A, P, X) 60 10 0.0026
67 (V, F, D, X, P, A) 61 11 0.0052
68 (V, F, D, P, A, X) 61 11 0.0026
69 (V, F, D, P, X, A) 62 12 0.0026

Now that we have defined the set of histories \(\mathcal{H}\), we can summarize the effects of the transition function \(\delta\) developed in CS Transitions as a set of patterns it imposes on all histories \(h \in \mathcal{H}\):

  1. The causality constraint of the vendor fix path must hold.
  2. The model makes the simplifying assumption that vendors know at least as much as the public does. In other words, all histories must meet one of two criteria: either Vendor Awareness precedes Public Awareness (P) or Vendor Awareness must immediately follow it.
  3. The model assumes that the public can be informed about a vulnerability by a public exploit. Therefore, either Public Awareness precedes Exploit Public (X) or must immediately follow it.

Formalizing the Constraints on Histories

Vendor Fix Path causality must hold

\[\mathbf{V} \prec \mathbf{F} \prec \mathbf{D}\]

Vendor Awareness precedes or is caused by Public Awareness

\[\mathbf{V} \prec \mathbf{P} \textrm{ or } \mathbf{P} \rightarrow \mathbf{V}\]

Public Awareness precedes or is caused by Exploit Public

\[\mathbf{P} \prec \mathbf{X} \textrm{ or } \mathbf{X} \rightarrow \mathbf{P}\]

This model is amenable for analysis of CVD, but we need to add a way to express preferences before it is complete. That is the subject of the Desirable Histories section.