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Improving Definitions of Common Terms

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This page is not considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol as proposed in the main documentation. Although within the page we might provide guidance in terms of SHOULD, MUST, etc., the content here is not normative.

Some terms surrounding CVD and VM have been ambiguously defined in common usage. One benefit of the definition of events, states, and possible CVD histories presented in this whitepaper is an opportunity to clarify definitions of related terms. In this section we will use our model to formally define their meaning.

Zero Day

Vultron and the Wassenaar Arrangement

This section extends prior work by Allen Householder in Like Nailing Jelly to the Wall: Difficulties in Defining "Zero-Day Exploit", written in response to then-proposed changes to the Wassenaar Arrangement regarding export controls for intrusion software.

The information security community uses a variety of common phrases that contain the words zero day. This creates confusion that we can resolve formally using our model.

What does zero day mean to you?

As an example, a reviewer stated that they prefer to define "zero day vulnerability" as X \(\prec\) V and not P \(\prec\) F or A \(\prec\) F. We should seek these precise definitions because sometimes both X \(\prec\) V and P \(\prec\) F are true, in which case two people might agree that an instance is a "zero day" without realizing that they disagree on its definition.

Zero Day Vulnerability

Two common definitions for this term are in widespread use; a third is drawn from an important policy context. The two commonly-used definitions can be considered a relatively low threat level because they only involve states \(q \in {xa}\) where no exploits are public and no attacks have occurred. We ordered all three definitions in approximately descending risk due to the expected duration until D can be achieved.

Zero Day Vulnerability Type Definition Description
1 \(q \in vfdp \cdot \cdot\) The United States VEP defines zero day vulnerability in a manner consistent with \(q \in {vp}\). Further discussion appears in VEP.
2 P \(\prec\) V
\({v \cdot \cdot p \cdot \cdot} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{P}} {v \cdot \cdot P \cdot \cdot}\)
when the vulnerability becomes public before the vendor is aware of it. Note that our model assumes that states in \({vP}\) are unstable and resolve to \({vP} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{V}} {VP}\) in the next step.
3 P \(\prec\) F
\({\cdot f \cdot p \cdot \cdot} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{P}} {\cdot f \cdot P \cdot \cdot}\)
when the vulnerability becomes public before a fix is available, regardless of the vendor's awareness. Some states in \({fP}\)---specifically, those in \({VfP}\)---are closer to \({\mathbf{F}}\) (and therefore \({\mathbf{D}}\)) occuring than others (i.e., \({vfP}\)), thus this definition could imply less time spent at risk than the first.

Zero Day Exploit

This term has three common definitions. Each can be considered a moderate threat level because they involve transition from \({xa} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{X}} {Xa}\). However, we ordered them in approximately descending risk due to the expected duration until D can be achieved.

Zero Day Exploit Type Definition Description
1 X \(\prec\) V
\({vfd \cdot x \cdot} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{X}} {vfd \cdot X \cdot}\)
when an exploit is released before the vendor is aware of the vulnerability.
2 X \(\prec\) F
\({\cdot fd \cdot x \cdot} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{X}} {\cdot fd \cdot \cdot X}\)
when an exploit is released before a fix is available for the vulnerability. Because \(\mathcal{Q}_{vf} \subset \mathcal{Q}_{f}\), any scenario matching the previous definition also matches this one.
3 X \(\prec\) P
\({\cdot \cdot \cdot px \cdot} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{X}} {\cdot \cdot \cdot pX \cdot}\)
when an exploit is released before the public is aware of the vulnerability. Note that our model assumes that states in \({pX}\) are unstable and transition \({pX} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{P}} {PX}\) in the next step.

Zero Day Attack

We have identified three common definitions of this term. Each can be considered a high threat level because they involve the A transition. However, we ordered them in approximately descending risk due to the expected duration until D can be achieved.

Zero Day Attack Type Definition Description
1 A \(\prec\) V
\({vfd \cdot \cdot a} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{A}} {vfd \cdot \cdot A}\)
when attacks against the vulnerability occur before the vendor is aware of the vulnerability.
2 A \(\prec\) F
\({\cdot fd \cdot \cdot a} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{A}} {\cdot fd \cdot \cdot A}\)
when attacks against the vulnerability occur before a fix is available for the vulnerability. As with zero day exploit, because \(\mathcal{Q}_{vf} \subset \mathcal{Q}_{f}\), any scenario matching the previous definition also matches this one.
3 A \(\prec\) P
\({\cdot \cdot \cdot p \cdot a} \xrightarrow{\mathbf{A}} {\cdot \cdot \cdot p \cdot A}\)
when attacks against the vulnerability occur before the public is aware of the vulnerability. Note that this definition disregards the vendor entirely since it makes no reference to either V or F.

Forever Day

In common usage, a forever day vulnerability is one that is expected to remain unpatched indefinitely. In other words, the vulnerability is expected to remain in ..d... forever.

Forever Day Vulnerability

We can use our CS model to clarify a few variations on the concept. This situation can occur when deployed code is abandoned for a number of reasons, including:

Forever Day Type States Description
EoL \(q \in {Vfd \cdot \cdot \cdot}\) The vendor has designated the product as End-of-Life (EoL) and thereby declines to fix any further security flaws, usually implying \(q \in {Vfd}\). Vendors should evaluate their support posture for EoL products when they are aware of vulnerabilities in \({VfdX}\) or \({VfdA}\). Potential vendor responses include issuing additional guidance or an out-of-support patch.
No Vendor \(q \in {vfd \cdot \cdot \cdot}\) The vendor no longer exists, implying a state \(q \in {vfd}\). Neither F nor D transitions can be expected although P, X, and A remain possible. For this reason alone, coordinators or other stakeholders may choose to publish anyway to cause P. In this situation, if deployers are to respond at all, states in \({vfdP}\) are preferable to states in \({vfdp}\). Defender options in this case are usually limited to retiring or otherwise isolating affected systems, especially for vulnerabilities in either \({vfdPX}\) or \({vfdPA}\).
Never Deploy \(q \in {\cdot \cdot d \cdot \cdot \cdot }\) The deployer chooses to never deploy, implying an expectation to remain in \({d}\) until the affected systems are retired or otherwise removed from service. This situation may be more common in deployments of safety-critical systems and OT than it is in IT deployments. It is also the most reversible of the three forever day scenarios, because the deployer can always reverse their decision as long as a fix is available (\(q \in {VF}\)). In deployment environments where other mitigations are in place and judged to be adequate, and where the risk posed by X and/or A are perceived to be low, this can be a reasonable strategy within a VM program.

What about when a vendor declines to fix a vulnerability in a supported product?

Scenarios in which the vendor has chosen not to develop a patch for an otherwise supported product, and which also imply \(q \in {Vfd}\), are omitted from the above definition because as long as the vendor exists the choice to not develop a fix remains reversible. That said, such scenarios most closely follow the EoL item in the list above.