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Events in a Vulnerability Lifecycle

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We begin with a toy model of the MPCVD process that can shed light on the more complicated real thing. We begin by building up a state map of what the FIRST Guidelines and Practices for Multi-Party Vulnerability Coordination and Disclosure refers to as bilateral CVD, which we will later expand into the MPCVD space. We start by defining a set of events of interest. We then use these to construct model states and the transitions between them.

Define Events

The goal of this section is to establish a model of events that affect the outcomes of vulnerability disclosure. Our model builds on previous models of the vulnerability lifecycle, specifically those of Arbaugh et al., Frei et al., and Bilge et al. Bilge et al.. A more thorough literature review of vulnerability lifecycle models can be found in The global vulnerability discovery and disclosure system: a thematic system dynamics approach by P. S. Lewis. We are primarily interested in events that are usually observable to the stakeholders of a CVD case. Stakeholders include software vendors, vulnerability finder/reporters, coordinators, and deployers. A summary of this model comparison is shown in the Table below.

Arbaugh et al. Frei et al. Bilge et al. Our Model
Birth creation (\(t_{creat}\)) introduced (\(t_c\)) (implied)
Discovery discovery (\(t_{disco}\)) n/a (implied)
Disclosure n/a discovered by vendor (\(t_d\)) (\(\mathbf{V}\))
n/a patch availability (\(t_{patch}\)) n/a Fix Ready (\(\mathbf{F}\))
Fix Release n/a patch released (\(t_p\)) Fix Ready and Public Awareness
Publication public disclosure (\(t_{discl}\)) disclosed publicly (\(t_0\)) Public Awareness (\(\mathbf{P}\))
n/a patch installation (\(t_{insta}\)) patch deployment completed (\(t_a\)) Fix Deployed (\(\mathbf{D}\))
Exploit Automation exploit availability (\(t_{explo}\)) Exploit released in wild (\(t_e\)) n/a
Exploit Automation n/a n/a Exploit Public (\(\mathbf{X}\))
Exploit Automation n/a n/a Attacks Observed (\(\mathbf{A}\))
n/a n/a anti-virus signatures released (\(t_s\)) n/a

Vulnerability Lifecycle Events: Comparing Models. Symbols for our model are defined in Transitions.

Since we are modeling only the disclosure process, we assume the vulnerability both exists and is known to at least someone. Therefore we ignore the birth (creation, introduced) and discovery states as they are implied at the beginning of all possible vulnerability disclosure histories. We also omit the anti-virus signatures released event from Bilge et al. since we are not attempting to model vulnerability management operations in detail.

Vendor Awareness

The first event we are interested in modeling is Vendor Awareness. This event corresponds to Disclosure in Arbaugh et al. and vulnerability discovered by vendor in Bilge et al. (this event is not modeled in Frei et al.). In the interest of model simplicity, we are not concerned with how the vendor came to find out about the vulnerability's existence---whether it was found via internal testing, reported by a security researcher, or noticed as the result of incident analysis.

Public Awareness

The second event we include is Public Awareness of the vulnerability. This event corresponds to Publication in Arbaugh et al., time of public disclosure in Frei et al., and vulnerability disclosed publicly in Bilge et al.. The public might find out about a vulnerability through the vendor's announcement of a fix, a news report about a security breach, a conference presentation by a researcher, by comparing released software versions as in 12, or a variety of other means. As above, we are primarily concerned with the occurrence of the event itself rather than the details of how the public awareness event arises.

Fix Readiness and Deployment

The third event we address is Fix Readiness, by which we refer to the vendor's creation and possession of a fix that could be deployed to a vulnerable system, if the system owner knew of its existence. Here we differ somewhat from Arbaugh et al., Bilge et al., and Frei et al. in that their models address the release of the fix rather than its readiness for release.

The reason for this distinction will be made clear, but first we must mention that Fix Deployed is simply that: the fix exists, and it has been deployed.

We chose to include the Fix Ready, Fix Deployed, and Public Awareness events so that our model could better accommodate two common modes of modern software deployment:

  • shrinkwrap - The traditional distribution mode in which the vendor and deployer are distinct entities and deployers must be made aware of the fix before it can be deployed. In this case, which corresponds to the previously mentioned fix release event, both fix readiness and public awareness are necessary for the fix to be deployed.

  • SaaS - A more recent delivery mode in which the vendor also plays the role of deployer. In this distribution mode, fix readiness can lead directly to fix deployed with no dependency on public awareness.

We note that so-called silent fixes by vendors can sometimes result in a fix being deployed without public awareness even if the vendor is not the deployer. Thus, it is possible (but unlikely) for fix deployed to occur before public awareness even in the shrinkwrap case above. It is also possible, and somewhat more likely, for public awareness to occur before fix deployed in the SaaS case as well.

Exploit Public and Attacks Observed

We diverge from Arbaugh et al., Bilge et al., and Frei et al. again in our treatment of exploits and attacks. Because attacks and exploit publication are often discretely observable events, the broader concept of exploit automation in Arbaugh et al. is insufficiently precise for our use. Both Bilge et al., and Frei et al.focus on the availability of exploits rather than attacks, but the observability of their chosen events is hampered by attackers' incentives to maintain stealth. Frei et al. uses exploit availability, whereas Bilge et al. calls it exploit released in wild. Both refer to the state in which an exploit is known to exist. This can arise for at least two distinct reasons, which we wish to differentiate:

  • exploit public---the method of exploitation for a vulnerability was made public in sufficient detail to be reproduced by others. Posting PoC code to a widely available site or including the exploit in a commonly available exploit tool meets this criteria; privately held exploits do not.

  • attacks observed---the vulnerability was observed to be exploited in attacks. This case requires evidence that the vulnerability was exploited; we can then presume the existence of an exploit regardless of its availability to the public. Analysis of malware from an incident might meet attacks observed but not exploit public, depending on how closely the attacker holds the malware. Use of a public exploit in an attack meets both exploit public and attacks observed.

Therefore, while we appreciate the existence of a hidden exploit exists event as causal predecessor of both exploit public and attacks observed, we assert no causal relationship between exploit public and attacks observed in our model. We make this choice in the interest of observability. The exploit exists event is difficult to consistently observe independently. Its occurrence is nearly always inferred from the observation of either exploit public or attacks observed.

  1. Yifei Xu, Zhengzi Xu, Bihuan Chen, Fu Song, Yang Liu, and Ting Liu. Patch based vulnerability matching for binary programs. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 376–387. 2020. 

  2. Yang Xiao, Bihuan Chen, Chendong Yu, Zhengzi Xu, Zimu Yuan, Feng Li, Binghong Liu, Yang Liu, Wei Huo, Wei Zou, and others. Mvp: detecting vulnerabilities using patch-enhanced vulnerability signatures. In 29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20), 1165–1182. 2020.