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CS Transitions

This page is normative

This page is considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol. This is a normative section of the documentation.

In this section, we elaborate on the input symbols and transition functions for our CS DFA. A row-wise reading of the CVD Case Substates table above implies a set of events corresponding to each specific substate change, which we correspond to the symbols in the DFA.

Symbol Description Formalism
V A Vendor becomes aware of a vulnerability \(vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{V}} Vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot\)
F A Vendor readies a fix for a vulnerability \(Vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{F}} VFd\cdot\cdot\cdot\)
D A Deployer deploys a fix for a vulnerability \(VFd\cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{D}} VFD\cdot\cdot\cdot\)
P Information about a vulnerability becomes known to the public \(\cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{P}} \cdot\cdot\cdot P \cdot\cdot\)
X An exploit for a vulnerability is made public \(\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot x \cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{X}} \cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot X \cdot\)
A Attacks exploiting a vulnerability are observed \(\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot a \xrightarrow{\mathbf{A}} \cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot A\)
CS Model Input Symbols (\(\Sigma^{cs}\)) Defined
\[\Sigma^{cs} = \{\mathbf{V},\mathbf{F},\mathbf{D},\mathbf{P},\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A}\}\]

Here we diverge somewhat from the notation used for the RM and EM models, which use lowercase letters for transitions and uppercase letters for states. Because CS state names already use both lowercase and uppercase letters, here we use a bold font for the symbols of the CS DFA to differentiate the transition from the corresponding substate it leads to: e.g., \(vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{V}} Vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot\).

We define the set of symbols for our CS DFA as \(\Sigma^{cs}\) at right.

For the CS model, an input symbol \(\sigma^{cs} \in \Sigma^{cs}\) is "read" when a Participant observes a change in status (a Vendor is notified and exploit code has been published, etc.). For the sake of simplicity, we begin with the assumption that observations are globally known—that is, a status change observed by any CVD Participant is known to all. In the real world, we believe the Formal Vultron Protocol is poised to ensure eventual consistency with this assumption through the communication of perceived case state across coordinating parties.

CS Transitions Defined

Here we define the allowable transitions between states in the CS model. Transitions in the CS model follow a few rules described in detail in ยง2.4 of A State-Based Model for Multi-Party Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure which we summarize here:

  • Because states correspond to the status of events that have or have not occurred, and all state transitions are irreversible (i.e., we assume history is immutable), the result will be an acyclic directed graph of states beginning at \(q^{cs}_0={vfdpxa}\) and ending at \(\mathcal{F}^{cs}=\{VFDPXA\}\) with allowed transitions as the edges. In practical terms for the CS model, this means there is an arrow of time from vfdpxa through VFDPXA in which each individual state transition changes exactly one letter from lowercase to uppercase.

  • The Vendor fix path (\(vfd \cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{V}} Vfd \cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{F}} VFd \cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{D}} VFD \cdot\cdot\cdot\)) is a causal requirement as outlined in substates.

    direction LR
    vfd: vfd...
    Vfd: Vfd...
    VFd: VFd...
    VFD: VFD...

    [*] --> vfd
    vfd --> Vfd
    Vfd --> VFd
    VFd --> VFD
    VFD --> [*]
  • Vendors are presumed to know at least as much as the public does; therefore, \(v\cdot\cdot P \cdot\cdot\) can only lead to \(V\cdot\cdot P \cdot\cdot\).
    direction LR
    vP: v..P..
    VP: V..P..
    vP --> VP

Exploit Publication Causes Public Awareness

Exploit publication is tantamount to public awareness; therefore, \(\cdot\cdot\cdot pX \cdot\) can only lead to \(\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot PX \cdot\).

    direction LR
    pX: ...pX.
    PX: ...PX.
    pX --> PX

Therefore, for all practical purposes, we can simplify the full \(pxa \rightarrow PXA\) diagram:

title: pxa State Diagram
    direction LR
    [*] --> pxa

    pxa --> Pxa : P
    pxa --> pXa : X
    pxa --> pxA : A

    pXa --> PXa : P
    pXa --> pXA : A

    pxA --> PxA : P
    pxA --> pXA : X

    Pxa --> PxA : A
    Pxa --> PXa : X

    pXA --> PXA : P
    PXa --> PXA : A
    PxA --> PXA : X
    PXA --> [*]

down to the following:

title: Simplified pxa State Diagram
    direction LR
    [*] --> pxa

    pxa --> Pxa : P
    pxa --> PXa : X,P
    pxa --> pxA : A

    pxA --> PxA : P
    pxA --> PXA : X,P

    Pxa --> PxA : A
    Pxa --> PXa : X

    PXa --> PXA : A
    PxA --> PXA : X
    PXA --> [*]

Attacks Do Not Necessarily Cause Public Awareness

In this model, attacks observed when a vulnerability is unknown to the public (\(\cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot A\)) need not immediately cause public awareness (\(\cdot\cdot\cdot P \cdot A\)), although, obviously, that can and does happen. Our reasoning for allowing states in \(\cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot A\) to persist is twofold:

  1. The connection between attacks and exploited vulnerabilities is often made later during incident analysis. While the attack itself may have been observed much earlier, the knowledge of which vulnerability it targeted may be delayed until after other events have occurred.
  2. Attackers are not a monolithic group. An attack from a niche set of threat actors does not automatically mean that the knowledge and capability of exploiting a particular vulnerability is widely available to all possible adversaries. Publication, in that case, might assist other adversaries more than it helps defenders.

In other words, although \(\cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot A\) does not require an immediate transition to \(\cdot\cdot\cdot P \cdot A\) the way \(\cdot\cdot\cdot pX \cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{P}} \cdot\cdot\cdot PX \cdot\) does, it does seem plausible that the likelihood of P occurring increases when attacks are occurring.


The probability \(P\) of public awareness given attacks observed is greater than the probability of public awareness without attacks observed.

\[ P(\mathbf{P} \mid \cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot A) > P(\mathbf{P} \mid \cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot a) \]

Logically, this is a result of there being more ways for the public to discover the vulnerability when attacks are happening than when they are not:

  • For states in \(\cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot a\), public awareness depends on the normal vulnerability discovery and reporting process.
  • States in \(\cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot A\) include that possibility and add the potential for discovery as a result of security incident analysis.


Once attacks have been observed, fix development SHOULD accelerate, the embargo teardown process SHOULD begin, and publication and deployment SHOULD follow as soon as is practical.

A Regular Grammar for the CS model

Following the complete state machine diagram above, we can summarize the transition functions of the CS model as a right-linear grammar \(\delta^{cs}\).

CS Transition Function (\(\delta^{cs}\)) Defined

\(\delta^{cs} = \begin{cases} vfdpxa &\to \mathbf{V}~Vfdpxa~|~\mathbf{P}~vfdPxa~|~\mathbf{X}~vfdpXa~|~\mathbf{A}~vfdpxA \\ vfdpxA &\to \mathbf{V}~VfdpxA~|~\mathbf{P}~vfdPxA~|~\mathbf{X}~vfdpXA \\ vfdpXa &\to \mathbf{P}~vfdPXa \\ vfdpXA &\to \mathbf{P}~vfdPXA \\ vfdPxa &\to \mathbf{V}~VfdPxa \\ vfdPxA &\to \mathbf{V}~VfdPxA \\ vfdPXa &\to \mathbf{V}~VfdPXa \\ vfdPXA &\to \mathbf{V}~VfdPXA \\ Vfdpxa &\to \mathbf{F}~VFdpxa~|~\mathbf{P}~VfdPxa~|~\mathbf{X}~VfdpXa~|~\mathbf{A}~VfdpxA \\ VfdpxA &\to \mathbf{F}~VFdpxA ~|~ \mathbf{P}~VfdPxA ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VfdpXA \\ VfdpXa &\to \mathbf{P}~VfdPXa \\ VfdpXA &\to \mathbf{P}~VfdPXA \\ VfdPxa &\to \mathbf{F}~VFdPxa ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VfdPXa ~|~ \mathbf{A}~VfdPxA \\ VfdPxA &\to \mathbf{F}~VFdPxA ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VfdPXA \\ VfdPXa &\to \mathbf{F}~VFdPXa ~|~ \mathbf{A}~VfdPXA \\ VfdPXA &\to \mathbf{F}~VFdPXA \\ VFdpxa &\to \mathbf{D}~VFDpxa~|~\mathbf{P}~VFdPxa ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VFdpXa ~|~ \mathbf{A}~VFdpxA \\ VFdpxA &\to \mathbf{D}~VFDpxA ~|~ \mathbf{P}~VFdPxA ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VFdpXA \\ VFdpXa &\to \mathbf{P}~VFdPXa \\ VFdpXA &\to \mathbf{P}~VFdPXA \\ VFdPxa &\to \mathbf{D}~VFDPxa ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VFdPXa ~|~ \mathbf{A}~VFdPxA \\ VFdPxA &\to \mathbf{D}~VFDPxA ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VFDPXA \\ VFdPXa &\to \mathbf{D}~VFDPXa ~|~ \mathbf{A}~VFdPXA \\ VFdPXA &\to \mathbf{D}~VFDPXA \\ VFDpxa &\to \mathbf{P}~VFDPxa ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VFDpXa ~|~ \mathbf{A}~VFDpxA \\ VFDpxA &\to \mathbf{P}~VFDPxA ~|~ \mathbf{X}~VFDpXA \\ VFDpXa &\to \mathbf{P}~VFDPXa \\ VFDpXA &\to \mathbf{P}~VFDPXA \\ VFDPxa &\to \mathbf{X}~VFDPXa ~|~ \mathbf{A}~VFDPxA \\ VFDPxA &\to \mathbf{X}~VFDPXA \\ VFDPXa &\to \mathbf{A}~VFDPXA \\ VFDPXA &\to \varepsilon \\ \end{cases}\)

For more information

A more thorough examination of the strings generated by this grammar, their interpretation as the possible histories of all CVD cases, and implications for measuring the efficacy of the overall CVD process writ large can be found in A State-Based Model for Multi-Party Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure.