Embargo Management Process Model
This page is normative
This page is considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol. This is a normative section of the documentation.
Here we describe the basic primitives necessary for the CVD Embargo Management (EM) process.
For our purposes, an embargo is an informal agreement among peer CVD case Participants to refrain from publishing information about a vulnerability until some future point in time relative to the report at hand. Once an embargo has expired, there is no further restriction on publishing information about the vulnerability.
Exploits are information about vulnerabilities too.
CVD case Participants must be able to propose, accept, and reject embargo timing proposals according to their individual needs. Additionally, Participants may want to attempt to gain agreement that enables specific details about a vulnerability to be shared with other Participants or made public. Such content considerations are outside the scope of this proposal. We focus our discussion on the when of an embargo, not the what.
Embargo Definition
An embargo is an informal agreement among peer CVD case Participants to refrain from publishing information about a vulnerability until some future point in time.
Unlike the RM model, in which each Participant has their own instance of the RM DFA, EM states are a global property of a CVD case.
A CVD case SHALL NOT have more than one active embargo at a time.
(We define the term active below.)
Even in an MPCVD case having a vertical supply chain—in which Vendors must wait on their upstream suppliers to produce fixes before they can take action on their own, as in the figure below—our intent is that the embargo period terminates when as many Vendors as possible have been given an adequate opportunity to produce a fix.
title: A Vertical Supply Chain
direction LR
v1: Originating<br/>Vendor
v2: Vendor 2
v3: Vendor 3
v4: Vendor 4
v5: Vendor 5
v6: Vendor 6
v1 --> v2
v1 --> v3
v2 --> v4
v3 --> v5
v2 --> v5
v5 --> v6
CVD Embargoes Are Not NDAs
CVD embargoes are not Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). An NDA (also known as a Confidentiality agreement) is a legally binding contract between parties, often accompanied by a reward for compliance and/or some penalty in the event of unauthorized disclosure. NDAs do, on occasion, have a place in CVD processes, but the relatively rapid pace and scale of most MPCVD embargoes makes per-case NDAs prohibitively difficult. As a result, we are intentionally setting aside NDA negotiation as beyond the scope of this proposal.
On the surface, many bug bounty programs may appear to fall outside our scope because they are often structured as NDAs in which compliance is rewarded. For some bounty programs, the penalty for non-compliance or early disclosure is limited to the loss of the reward. For others, non-compliance can lead to the forfeiture of a promise of amnesty from the pursuit of civil or criminal charges that might otherwise apply because of security or acceptable-use policy violations. Nevertheless, we are optimistic that the bulk of this protocol (i.e., the parts that do not interfere with the contractual provisions of bounty-associated NDAs) will be found to be compatible with the full variety of bounty-oriented CVD programs existing now and in the future.
EM State Machine
As with our definition of the RM model, we describe our EM model using DFA notation.
DFA Notation Defined
A Deterministic Finite Automaton is defined as a 5-tuple \((\mathcal{Q},q_0,\mathcal{F},\Sigma,\delta)\) where
- \(\mathcal{Q}\) is a finite set of states.
- \(q_0 \in \mathcal{Q}\) is an initial state.
- \(\mathcal{F} \subseteq \mathcal{Q}\) is a set of final (or accepting) states.
- \(\Sigma\) is a finite set of input symbols.
- \(\delta\) is a transition function of the form \(\delta: \mathcal{Q} \times \Sigma \xrightarrow{} \mathcal{Q}\).
EM States
CVD cases are either subject to an active embargo or they are not. We begin with a simple two-state model for the embargo state:
direction LR
[*] --> None
None --> Active
Active --> [*]
However, because embargo management is a process of coordinating across Participants, it will be useful to distinguish between the None state and an intermediate state in which an embargo has been proposed but not yet accepted or rejected. We might call this the None + Proposed state, but we shortened it to Proposed.
EM States (\(\mathcal{Q}^{em}\)) Defined
\(\begin{split} \mathcal{Q}^{em} = \{ & \underline{N}one, \\ & \underline{P}roposed, \\ & \underline{A}ctive, \\ & \underline{R}evise, \\ & e\underline{X}ited \} \end{split}\)
Similarly, we want to be able to discriminate between an Active embargo state and one in which a revision has been proposed but is not yet accepted or rejected, which we will denote as the Active + Revise state, shortened to Revise. Finally, we wish to distinguish between the state in which no embargo has ever been established (None), and the final state after an active embargo has ended (eXited). Combining these, we get the following set of EM states, which we denote as \(\mathcal{Q}^{em}\).
title: Embargo Management States
direction LR
[*] --> None
None --> Proposed
Proposed --> None
Proposed --> Active
Active --> Revise
Revise --> Active
Revise --> eXited
Active --> eXited
eXited --> [*]
We address the state transitions in detail below.
As a reminder, we use the underlined capital letters as shorthand for EM state names later in this documentation.
Note on Shorthand Notation
Note that \(q^{em} \in A\) is distinct from \(q^{rm} \in A\). An embargo can be Active, while a Report can be Accepted, and these are independent states. Be sure to check which model a state's shorthand notation is referring to.
Start and Final States
EM Start and Final States Defined
\(q^{em}_0 = None\)
\(\mathcal{F}^{em} = \{None,~eXited\}\)
The EM process starts in the None state. The process ends in one of two states: If an embargo agreement is eventually reached, the EM process ends in the eXited state. Otherwise, if no agreement is ever reached, the EM process ends in the None state. Formal definitions of each are shown in the box at right.
EM State Transitions
title: Embargo Management State Diagram
direction LR
[*] --> None
state Pre-Embargo {
None --> Proposed : propose
Proposed --> Proposed : propose
Proposed --> None : reject
Proposed --> Active : accept
state Active_Embargo {
Active --> Revise : propose
Revise --> Active : accept
Revise --> Active : reject
Revise --> Revise : propose
Revise --> eXited : terminate
Active --> eXited : terminate
state Post-Embargo {
eXited --> [*]
The symbols of our EM DFA correspond to the actions that cause transitions between the states:
An embargo MAY be proposed.
Once proposed, it MAY be accepted or rejected.
Once accepted, revisions MAY be proposed, which MAY, in turn, be accepted or rejected.
Finally, accepted embargoes MUST eventually terminate.
A summary of the available actions is shown as \(\Sigma^{em}\) below.
EM Symbols (\(\Sigma^{em}\)) Defined
Once again, the underlined lowercase letters will be used as shorthand for the EM transition names in the remainder of this documentation.
EM Transitions Defined
Now we define the possible state transitions. The diagram below summarizes the EM process DFA states and transitions.
title: Embargo Management State Diagram
direction LR
[*] --> None
state Pre-Embargo {
None --> Proposed : propose
Proposed --> Proposed : propose
Proposed --> None : reject
Proposed --> Active : accept
state Active_Embargo {
Active --> Revise : propose
Revise --> Active : accept
Revise --> Active : reject
Revise --> Revise : propose
Revise --> eXited : terminate
Active --> eXited : terminate
state Post-Embargo {
eXited --> [*]
We will discuss each of the transitions in turn.
Propose Embargo
Propose a new embargo when none exists:
direction LR
dots: ...
[*] --> None
None --> Proposed: propose
Proposed --> dots
dots --> [*]
Accept or Reject Embargo Proposal
Once proposed, Participants can accept or reject the proposed embargo. Although we do not show it in the diagram, Participants can also propose a second embargo while the first is still pending.
direction LR
[*] --> None
None --> Proposed
state Proposed {
direction LR
eval: Accept or reject?
state choose <<choice>>
[*] --> eval
eval --> choose
choose --> Active: accept
choose --> None: reject
Embargo Revision
An existing embargo can also be renegotiated by proposing a new embargo. The existing embargo remains active until it is replaced by accepting the revision proposal. If the newly proposed embargo is accepted, then the old one is abandoned. On the other hand, if the newly proposed embargo is rejected, the old one remains accepted.
direction LR
dots: ...
[*] --> dots
dots --> Active
state Revise {
direction LR
state choose <<choice>>
eval: Change embargo?
[*] --> eval
eval --> choose
Active --> Revise: revise
choose --> Active: accept
choose --> Active: reject
Revisions do not interrupt active embargoes
The revision process laid out here ensures that there is no break in active embargo coverage. The existing active embargo remains in effect until it is replaced by an accepted revision proposal.
Terminate Embargo
Existing embargoes can terminate due to timer expiration or other reasons discussed in Early Termination. Termination can occur even if there is an open revision proposal.
direction LR
dots: ...
[*] --> dots
dots --> Active
dots --> Revise
Active --> eXited: terminate
Revise --> eXited: terminate
eXited --> [*]
A Regular Grammar for EM
EM Transition Function (\(\delta^{em}\)) Defined
\(\delta^{em} = \begin{cases} % \epsilon \to & N \\ N \to ~pP~|~\epsilon \\ P \to ~pP~|~rN~|~aA \\ A \to ~pR~|~tX \\ R \to ~pR~|~aA~|~rA~|~tX \\ X \to ~\epsilon \\ \end{cases}\)
Based on the actions and corresponding state transitions just described, we define the transition function \(\delta^{em}\) for the EM process as a set of production rules for the right-linear grammar using our single-character shorthand in the box at right. For convenience, we repeat the resulting state machine below using our shorthand notation.
direction LR
[*] --> N
N --> P: p
P --> P: p
P --> N: r
P --> A: a
A --> R: p
A --> X: t
R --> R: p
R --> A: a
R --> A: r
R --> X: t
X --> [*]
Due to the numerous loops in the DFA shown in the state machine diagram above,
the EM grammar is capable of generating arbitrarily long strings of propose-propose and propose-reject
histories matching the regular expression (p*r)*(pa(p*r)*(pa)?t)?
. As
an example, here is an exhaustive list of all the possible traces of
length seven or fewer:
pr, pat, ppr, ppat, papt, prpr, pppr, ppppr, pprpr, prppr, pappt, ppapt, pppat, papat, paprt, prpat, pppppr, papppt, prpppr, ppprpr, ppappt, pppapt, prprpr, papapt, pprppr, pappat, paprpt, prppat, prpapt, ppaprt, pprpat, ppapat, papprt, ppppat, pprprpr, prprppr, paprppt, prpprpr, pappprt, papppat, ppppapt, prpaprt, papappt, pappapt, pppappt, pprpppr, pppprpr, prppppr, ppprppr, ppapppt, ppaprpt, papprpt, ppapprt, ppappat, prpppat, prpapat, ppprpat, ppppppr, pprppat, papapat, paprpat, ppapapt, prprpat, paprprt, prppapt, pppapat, pprpapt, pppaprt, pppppat, prpappt, papaprt, pappppt
However, because EM is a human-oriented scheduling process, our experience suggests that we should expect there to be a natural limit on CVD Participants' tolerance for churn during embargo negotiations. Hence, we expect most paths through the EM DFA to be on the short end of this list in practice. We offer some thoughts on a potential reward function over EM DFA strings in Future Work.
For example, it is often preferable for a Vendor to accept whatever embargo the Reporter initially proposes followed closely by proposing a revision to their preferred timeline than it is for the Vendor and Reporter to ping-pong proposals and rejections without ever establishing an embargo in the first place. In the worst case (i.e., where the Reporter declines to extend their embargo), a short embargo is usually preferable to none at all. This implies a preference for strings starting with par over strings starting with ppa or prpa, among others. We will come back to this idea in Default Embargoes and in the worked protocol example.
EM DFA Fully Defined
Taken together, the complete DFA specification for the EM process is shown below.
EM DFA \((\mathcal{Q},q_0,\mathcal{F},\Sigma,\delta)^{em}\) Fully Defined
\(EM = \begin{pmatrix} \begin{aligned} \mathcal{Q}^{em} = & \{ N,P,A,R,X \}, \\ q^{em}_0 = & N, \\ \mathcal{F}^{em} = &\{ N,X \}, \\ \Sigma^{em} = &\{ p,r,a,t \}, \\ \delta^{em} = & \begin{cases} N \to ~pP~|~\epsilon \\ P \to ~pP~|~rN~|~aA \\ A \to ~pR~|~tX \\ R \to ~pR~|~aA~|~rA~|~tX \\ X \to ~\epsilon \\ \end{cases} \end{aligned} \end{pmatrix}\)