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The authors would first like to acknowledge the valuable contributions of previous authors who have worked on earlier versions of this report: Art Manion, Madison Oliver, and Deana Shick.

The authors thank the contributors to the SSVC project on Github as well as the following individuals for helpful comments on prior drafts (listed in alphabetical order): Muhammad Akbar, Will Dormann, Manish Gaur, Ralph Langer, David Oxley Dale Peterson, Jeroen van der Ham, Michel van Eeten, and Sounil Yu.

The authors also thank those others too numerous to name individually who provided comments and feedback, including: Attendees at S4, Miami FL 2020; Attendees at A Conference on Defense (ACoD), Austin TX 2020; Anonymous WEIS reviewers; Various staff members and analysts at CERT/CC, CISA, McAfee, and VMWare; FIRST CVSS SIG and EPSS SIG members; and others who wish to remain anonymous.