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CVSS Decision Points

For more information

For more information on the CVSS specification, please refer to the CVSS Specifications.

For convenience, we have provide a list of decision points that are based on the CVSS specification. These decision points can be used to model various decisions based on CVSS vector elements.

Decision Points

The following list of CVSS vector elements have been modeled as SSVC decision points for use in vulnerability response and security decision modeling. We have organized them into groups according to where they belong in the CVSS v4.0 specification document.

About CVSS Decision Point Versions

We have modeled our CVSS-based decision points using the SSVC versioning scheme. Therefore, some decision points may have multiple versions as the concepts have been refined over different versions of the CVSS specification. These versions do not correspond the CVSS specification versions (2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 etc.).

Qualitative Severity

Base Metrics

Threat Metrics

Environmental Metrics

Supplemental Metrics

Older Metrics