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Public Value Added

Public Value Added v1.0.0

How much value would a publication from the coordinator benefit the broader community?

Value Definition
Limited Minimal value added to the existing public information because existing information is already high quality and in multiple outlets.
Ampliative Amplifies and/or augments the existing public information about the vulnerability, for example, adds additional detail, addresses or corrects errors in other public information, draws further attention to the vulnerability, etc.
Precedence The publication would be the first publicly available, or be coincident with the first publicly available.
Public Value Added v1.0.0 JSON Example
  "namespace": "ssvc",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "schemaVersion": "1-0-1",
  "key": "PVA",
  "name": "Public Value Added",
  "description": "How much value would a publication from the coordinator benefit the broader community?",
  "values": [
      "key": "L",
      "name": "Limited",
      "description": "Minimal value added to the existing public information because existing information is already high quality and in multiple outlets."
      "key": "A",
      "name": "Ampliative",
      "description": "Amplifies and/or augments the existing public information about the vulnerability, for example, adds additional detail, addresses or corrects errors in other public information, draws further attention to the vulnerability, etc."
      "key": "P",
      "name": "Precedence",
      "description": "The publication would be the first publicly available, or be coincident with the first publicly available."

The intent of the definition is that one rarely if ever transitions from limited to ampliative or ampliative to precedence. A vulnerability could transition from precedence to ampliative and ampliative to limited. That is, Public Value Added should only be downgraded through future iterations or re-evaluations. This directionality is because once other organizations make something public, they cannot effectively un-publish it (it'll be recorded and people will know about it, even if they take down a webpage). The rare case where Public Value Added increases would be if an organization published viable information, but then published additional misleading or obscuring information at a later time. Then one might go from limited to ampliative in the interest of pointing to the better information.