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Limitations and Future Work

This page is not normative

This page is not considered a core part of the Vultron Protocol as proposed in the main documentation. Although within the page we might provide guidance in terms of SHOULD, MUST, etc., the content here is not normative.

This section highlights some limitations of the current work and lays out a path for improving on those limitations in future work. Broadly, the opportunities for expanding the model include

  • addressing the complexities of tracking CVD and MPCVD cases throughout their lifecycle

  • addressing the importance of both state transition probabilities and the time interval between them

  • options for modeling attacker behavior

  • modeling multiple agents

  • gathering more data about CVD in the world

  • managing the impact of partial information

  • working to account for fairness and the complexity of MPCVD

State Explosion

Although our discussion of MPCVD in Possible Histories and Benchmarking highlights one area in which the number of states to track can increase dramatically, an even larger problem could arise in the context of VM efforts even within normal CVD cases. Our model casts each event \(\sigma \in \Sigma\) as a singular point event, even though some---such as fix deployed \(\mathbf{D}\)---would be more accurately described as diffusion or multi-agent processes.

That is, by the time a vulnerability case reaches the point of remediating individual instances of vulnerable deployments, every such instance has its own state to track in regards to whether \(\mathbf{D}\) has occurred yet. To apply this model to real world observations, it may be pragmatic to adapt the event definition to include some defined threshold criteria.

However, this problem is equivalent to an existing problem in VM practice: how best to address the question of whether the fix for a vulnerability has been deployed across the enterprise. Many organizations find a fixed quantile SLE to be a reasonable approach. For example, a stakeholder might set the SLE that 80% of known vulnerable systems will be patched within a certain timeframe. Other organizations might track fix deployments by risk groups, for example by differentiating between end user systems, servers, and network infrastructure. They then could observe the deployed fix ratio for their constituency and mark the event \(\mathbf{D}\) as having occurred when certain thresholds are reached. Nothing in our model precludes those sorts of roll-up functions from being applied.

The Model Does Not Address Transition Probabilities

Although we posit a skill-less baseline in which each transition is equally likely whenever possible within the model, it is a reasonable criticism to point out that some transitions may be expected to change conditional on a history already in progress.

For example, many people believe that the publication of exploits increases the likelihood of attacks. Our model moves toward making this a testable hypothesis: Does \(p(\mathbf{A}|q \in \mathcal{Q}_X) > p(\mathbf{A}|q \in \mathcal{Q}_x)\) over some set of cases? Other such hypotheses can be framed in terms of the model.

Does making vulnerabilities public prior to fix readiness increase attacks? \(\(p(\mathbf{A}|q \in fP) > p(\mathbf{A}|q \in FP)?\)\) Does notifying vendors prior to making vulnerability information public increase the likelihood that fixes will be deployed before attacks are observed? \(\(p(\mathbf{D} \prec \mathbf{A}|\mathbf{V} \prec \mathbf{P}) > p(\mathbf{D} \prec \mathbf{A}|\mathbf{P} \prec \mathbf{V})?\)\) The novelty here is not that these questions could not be asked or answered previously. Rather, it is that the formalism of our model allows them to be stated concisely and measured in terms of 6 events \(\sigma \in \Sigma\), which points directly to the usefulness of collecting data about those events as part of ongoing CVD (including MPCVD) practices.

The Model Does Not Achieve a Total Order Over Histories

As described in Reasoning Over Histories, some ambiguity remains regarding preferences for elements of \(\mathbb{D}\). These preferences would need to be addressed before the model can achieve a total order over histories \(\mathcal{H}\). Specifically, we need to decide whether it is preferable

  • that Fix Ready precede Exploit Publication (\(\mathbf{F} \prec \mathbf{X}\)) or that Vendor Awareness precede Public Awareness (\(\mathbf{V} \prec \mathbf{P}\))

  • that Public Awareness precede Exploit Publication (\(\mathbf{P} \prec \mathbf{X}\)) or that Exploit Publication Precede Attacks (\(\mathbf{X} \prec \mathbf{A}\))

  • that Public Awareness precede Attacks (\(\mathbf{P} \prec \mathbf{A}\)) or Vendor Awareness precede Exploit Publication (\(\mathbf{V} \prec \mathbf{X}\))

We look forward to the ensuing "would you rather...?" discussions.

The Model Has No Sense of Timing

There is no concept of time in the CS model, but delays between events can make a big difference in history results. Two cases in which \(\mathbf{F} \prec \mathbf{A}\) would be quite different if the time gap between these two events was 1 week versus 3 months, as this gap directly bears on the need for speed in deploying fixes. Organizations may wish to extend this model by setting timing expectations in addition to simple precedence preferences. For example, organizations may wish to specify SLEs for \(\mathbf{V} \prec \mathbf{F}\), \(\mathbf{F} \prec \mathbf{D}\), \(\mathbf{F} \prec \mathbf{A}\), and so forth.

Furthermore, in the long run the elapsed time for \(\mathbf{F} \prec \mathbf{A}\) essentially dictates the response time requirements for VM processes for system owners. Neither system owners nor vendors get to choose when attacks happen, so we should expect stochasticity to play a significant role in this timing. However, if an organization cannot consistently achieve a shorter lag between \(\mathbf{F}\) and \(\mathbf{D}\) than between \(\mathbf{F}\) and \(\mathbf{A}\) (i.e., achieving \(\mathbf{D} \prec \mathbf{A}\)) for a sizable fraction of the vulnerability cases they encounter, it's difficult to imagine that organization being satisfied with the effectiveness of their VM program.

Attacks As Random Events

In the model presented here, attacks are modeled as random events. However, attacks are not random. At an individual or organization level, attackers are intelligent adversaries and can be expected to follow their own objectives and processes to achieve their ends.

Modeling the details of various attackers is beyond the scope of this model. Thus we believe that a stochastic approach to adversarial actions is reasonable from the perspective of a vendor or system owner. Furthermore, if attacks were easily predicted, we would be having a very different conversation.

Modeling Multiple Agents

We agree with the reviewer who suggested that an agent-based model could allow deeper examination of the interactions between stakeholders in MPCVD. Many of the mechanisms and proximate causes underlying the events this model describes are hidden from the model, and would be difficult to observe or measure even if they were included.

Nevertheless, to reason about different stakeholders' strategies and approaches to MPCVD, we need a way to measure and compare outcomes. The model we present here gives us such a framework, but it does so by making a tradeoff in favor of generality over causal specificity. We anticipate that future agent-based models of MPCVD will be better positioned to address process mechanisms, whereas this model will be useful to assess outcomes independently of the mechanisms by which they arise.

Gather Data About CVD

Benchmarking discusses how different benchmarks and "reasonable baseline expectations" might change the results of a skill assessment. It also proposes how to use observations of the actions a certain team or team performs to create a baseline which compares other CVD practitioners to the skill of that team or teams. Such data could also inform causal reasoning about certain event orderings and help identify effective interventions. For example, might causing \(\mathbf{X} \prec \mathbf{F}\) be an effective method to improve the chances of \(\mathbf{D} \prec \mathbf{A}\) in cases where the vendor is slow to produce a fix? Whether it is better to compare the skill of a team to blind luck via the i.i.d. assumption or to other teams via measurement remains an open question.

To address questions such as this, future research efforts must collect and collate a large amount of data about the timing sequences of events in the model for a variety of stakeholder groups and a variety of vulnerabilities. Deeper analysis using joint probabilities could then continue if the modeling choice is to base skill upon a measure from past observations.

While there is a modeling choice about using the uniformity assumption versus observations from past CVD (see Benchmarking), the model does not depend on whether the uniformity assumption actually holds. We have provided a means to calculate from observations a deviation from the desired "reasonable baseline," whether this is based on the i.i.d. assumption or not. Although, via our research questions, we have provided a method for evaluating skill in CVD, evaluating the overarching question of fairness in MPCVD requires a much broader sense of CVD practices.

Observation May Be Limited

Not all events \(\sigma \in \Sigma\), and therefore not all desiderata \(d \in \mathbb{D}\), will be observable by all interested parties. But in many cases at least some are, which can still help to infer reasonable limits on the others, as shown in Observing Skill.

Vendors are in a good position to observe most of the events in each case. This is even more so if they have good sources of threat information to bolster their awareness of the \(\mathbf{X}\) and \(\mathbf{A}\) events. A vigilant public can also be expected to eventually observe most of the events, although \(\mathbf{V}\) might not be observable unless vendors, researchers, and/or coordinators are forthcoming with their notification timelines (as many increasingly are). \(\mathbf{D}\) is probably the hardest event to observe for all parties, for the reasons described in the timing discussion above.

CVD Action Rules Are Not Algorithms

The CVD Action Rules are not algorithms. We do not propose them as a set of required actions for every CVD case. However, following Atul Gawande's lead, we offer them as a mechanism to generate CVD checklists:

Atul Gawande in The Checklist Manifesto

Good checklists, on the other hand are precise. They are efficient, to the point, and easy to use even in the most difficult situations. They do not try to spell out everything--a checklist cannot fly a plane. Instead, they provide reminders of only the most critical and important steps--the ones that even the highly skilled professional using them could miss. Good checklists are, above all, practical

MPCVD Criteria Do Not Account for Equitable Resilience

The proposed criteria for MPCVD in Benchmarking fail to account for either user populations or their relative importance. For example, suppose an MPCVD case had a total of 15 vendors, with 5 vendors representing 95% of the total userbase achieving highly preferred outcomes and 10 vendors with poor outcomes representing the remaining 5% of the userbase. The desired criteria (high median \(\alpha\) score with low variance) would likely be unmet even though most users were protected.

Similarly, a smaller set of vendor/product pairs might represent a disproportionate concentration of the total risk posed by a vulnerability. Again, aggregation across all vendor/product pairs could be misleading. In fact, risk concentration within a particular user population may lead to a need for strategies that appear inequitable at the vendor level while achieving greater outcome equity at a larger scale.

Thinking about Risk

User concentration is one way to think about risk, but it is not the only way. Value density, as defined in SSVC is another.

The core issue is that we lack a utility function to map from observed case histories to harm reduction.[^13] Potential features of such a function include aggregation across vendors and/or users. Alternatively, it may be possible to devise a method for weighting the achieved histories in an MPCVD case by some proxy for total user risk. Other approaches remain possible---for example, employing a heuristic to avoid catastrophic outcomes for all, then applying a weighted sum over the impact to the remaining users. Future work might also consider whether criteria other than high median and low variance could be applied.

Is Utilitarianism the Best Approach?

We admit our omission from consideration of whether utilitarianism is even the best way to approach these problems; and if it is, which variety of utilitarianism may be best suited. Such topics, while both interesting and relevant, lie too far afield from our main topic for us to to them justice here. We direct interested readers toward The History of Utilitarianism as an introduction to the general topic.

Regardless, achieving accurate estimates of such parameters is likely to remain challenging. Equity in MPCVD may be a topic of future interest to groups such as the FIRST Ethics SIG.

MPCVD Is Still Hard

CVD is a wicked problem, and MPCVD even more so. The model provided by this white paper offers structure to describe the problem space where there was little of it to speak of previously.

However, such a model does not significantly alter the complexity of the task of coordinating the response of multiple organizations, many of which identify as each others' competitors, in order to bring about a delicate social good in the face of many incentives for things to go otherwise. The social, business, and geopolitical concerns and interests that influence cybersecurity policy across the globe remain at the heart of the vulnerability disclosure problem for most stakeholders. Our hope is that the model found here will help to clarify decisions, communication, and policies that all have their part to play in MPCVD process improvement.